What Makes Them Dangerous: Josuke Higashikata

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Josuke's unstable emotions and anger issues are a big factor in what makes him so dangerous. Unlike the previous Jojos, Josuke does little to hide how possessive and obsessive he is. He's perfectly normal most of the time, but if he feels his hold on you is threatened in any way, he loses his mind. He considers the attempt to try to come between the two of you a worse crime than insulting his hair, and considering how much he values his hairstyle, that's really saying something.

Josuke's jealousy is another factor in how dangerous of a yandere he is. Outside of his small friend group, Josuke is suspicious of anyone that tries to get close to you. It gets even worse if you start spending too much time with someone other than him. He starts imagining all kinds of horrible scenarios where you cheat on him or try to leave him for someone else. His violent tendencies come out in full force then. He'll go after anyone he thinks is taking up your time. Why would you want to spend time with anyone else anyway? Isn't he your boyfriend? Isn't he enough? What more could you possibly want from him? What do those other guys have that he doesn't have? What does he have to do to get your attention back on him? Who does he have to kill??!!

Josuke's main danger factor though is how unpredictable he is. One moment he's all lovey dovey, smiling, and happy, the next he's giving some unfortunate fool death glares while holding onto you just a bit too tightly. It's almost impossible to tell what will set him off. A simple glance from you in the direction of another guy may be all it takes to have doubts, fears, and suspicions swimming around in Josuke's muddled brain. If you don't find a way to soothe his fears and insecurities, things WILL get violent. It's your fault for making him feel this way, Reader. You know how crazy you make him, so why are you looking at other guys? If you're not careful, Josuke may decide to teach you a lesson, instead. 

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