Chapter One

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"She took a deep breath as she shivered looking out of the window from her kitchen, seeing the rain softly pouring down. Something wasn't right with what she was feeling.

The dripping noise of the tap of the sink filled up the whole sink, her gazed shift towards it. Her first tear drop from her chin along with the last drop that dripped out of the tap as soon as she tightened the handle of the tap. She rubbed her shoulders in her gloominess.

She didn't wanted to feel this, everything felt empty.  She was longing for the warmth in her heart to come back.

She was longing for him to come back.
But she could do nothing.

She closed her eyes, remembering what she didn't wanted to.
Everything was quite, even her feelings. She was feeling the same way she once did in the past, she hated this feeling.

The feeling of emptiness.

As if someone has stole her heart from her ribcage. She tried her best to feel something, but she felt nothing, but pain, the pain that she couldn't describe even to herself, she couldn't understand what was hurting in her, but she felt pain.

Her knee felt hallow, she fell on the cold floor then and there, holding her head, burying her head in between her knees pulling them closer to her chest. She could feel nothing, but on her cheeks she could feel warm water dripping out of her eyes. Tightly closing her eyes and holding her head even tighter, she sobbed, filling the empty house in her soft sobs.

It has been more than six months, he hasn't returned, it has been more than a week, they didn't had a conversation except for the texts telling each other that they are fine. The timings never match of reply.
She knows, she understands, it is for the company, he is working hard to save it. She doesn't wants their relationship, their marriage, their togetherness, to become a reason of the failure of the company. She just wants him to be happier than ever.

Letting her thoughts slowly flow in her mind, she thought letting her thoughts in would distract her from the unknown pain. But she didn't knew, the thoughts she has are worst than the unknown uncomfortableness. The thoughts of her past. They started haunting her.

Her head started aching, but her heart ached harder.

The pain, that awefull person gave her, used her like a toy, used her as his time pass , used her to release his anger. He used to beat her, torture her. He faked his feelings to her, and then married her just to keep her in a dark room only to come in to beat her. She used to scream for his mercy. One thing she was always glad about, he didn't steal her virginity. She wanted to loose it to someone who holds a really special place in her heart, and not rape. Maybe that's the only agony left in her life.

She lied down her head, still holding it tightly. She faced the ceiling once again, starred it while her tears still proceed to flow. Her eyes were burning with pain.

Her phone buzzed. She would have ignored it, if it wasn't his name on the caller ID.

"Suho" she whispered before picking up the call.

"Babe?" As soon as she heard his voice, her tightened eyes relaxed. She wanted to say a million things, but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Hello? Aera? Are you listening? Is everything okay?" He said tention building up in his voice.

"Suho" she mumbled, "How are you" she asked, sitting up.

"You are not okay are you?" Her eyes threw open when he said that.

"Ohh suho" she said bursting into silent tears, placing her hand on her mouth to avoid her sobs reaching him. She finally heard his voice after so long.

"Open the door darling." He said. Making her stun for few seconds. "Suprise" he whispered through phone.

She threw her phone somewhere across the kitchen while running through the hallway, wiping her teary eyes, before opening the main door, she breathed, and smiled.


She opened the door.

"Suh-?"  Her heart dropped at the sight of him. 
It is not suho


Aerum's eyes suddenly stopped reading further when her phone rang, she took out her ear phones from her ears and unplugged it from her phone before swiping accept to the call and placing the phone on her ears.

"What do you want?" She asked her best friend and only friend totally irritated.

"I- wait wait, what's with the tone huhh, speak properly then I'll say" the voice went

"Okay go to hell man" she rolled her eyes and ended the call. Just after a second the phone rang again, displaying his name on ths caller ID again.

"What the hell? Why did you hang up on me?" He said

She rolled her eyes before falling back on her bed "You disturbed my story also the background music, I was reading my novel!"

"Well you yourself has written that shit, why are you reading it?"

"My wish" she barked and hung up again placing the phone on side.

It rang again. She didn't pick up. She stood up and went to her washroom. Her eyes dramatically widened seeing how messy she looked

"Oh my goodness, I am looking so gorgeous after waking up" she said sarcastically to herself and wahed her face. She knew she was looking pathetic after sleeping, but that was the least she cared.

Wiping her face with a towel after splashing cold water on her face,she came back into her room finding her phone  still ringing, and it's still him.

"Oh my god jungkook, have some self respect, you called me more than fifteen times in three minutes." Holding her phone between her ears and shoulders, making her bed alright, folding her soft sheets.

"Oh my god Areum,have some sympathy, why do you always hang up on me whenever you want to" he said making her eyes roll again but still a little smirk grew on her face.

"You never mind about it anyways" she said.

"I am at your house come down" he said ignoring what she said, by his voice she knew he was already having a poker face.

"I just got up from the bed, I look like shit"

"No matter how much you try, you will always look shit, now come down before I eat your tasty Bibimbap that your mother made on my demand."

"Heyy you brat!"

"Come down, I have something to talk about" his voice suddenly switched from normal teasing to serious and bold.

She hung up without saying any further, she unwantedly tugged her hair in a pony tail and hoped down the stairs.

"What does he wants to talk about, so serious?" Thoughts rolled into her brain while on her way to the kitchen.

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