Chapter ten.

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"hyungie!" She squealed calling her older friend who was just like her older brother.

"Sissy!?" The little boy turned around to see her coming.

"You should call us oppa wae, not hyung!"


A bit older boy who was standing with his both cousins, patted her head before laughing at her.

"That's not his name!"

"But that punkcake calls you all that!"

"Ugh, i won't be able to explain, why!"


The three boys laugh at the little girl.

A boy comes from her behind and jump scare the girl and it makes her scowl while they laugh at her again, there were two more boys along with him

"Where is that punk?"
She asks not finding the ,boy of her age among the elders of the timy group of eight, around them.

"Ehehh!" The small gang hears some kid yell, and it was him.

"Wae~ I am here!"

"You came late, you are going to buy the sour sticks today!" She declared.

"Yahh yahh, okay, let's go~"

"Hyung!" One of them said.

"My mom denied!" He said and the girl was listening carefully what her older friends were talking about.

Chewing her sour sticks she carefully listened them talk while walking.

"She warned me to not even utter a single word regarding it infront of dad ever." He looked down while walking.

"What is it...sweet hyungie?"

"Why do you call me that!" He yelled in annoyance, "hyung is enough!"

"What's wrong with sweet!?" She stomped her feet after stopping her steps.

They all stop.

"I am not sweet!"

"You are!"

She hugged him tightly and his pissed of expression fell into a small smile, something in him made his heart relax from the stress he already was going through.

"Come on let's go now~" he patted her back and eight of them continue to walk under the tree shades not wanting to get burn under the hot sun.

"Why aren't you speaking much punk!?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Yahhhhhh, everyone has problem with the name i give them, i just like saying it!" She yelled and got a few more sticks into her mouth by her one of the boys,that made her close her mouth.

"Sunshine asked you something right?Tell us punkcake!"
He said while she giggled taking in the sticks.

"A-actually I want to tell you all something!"

"Say it!" She told him patting his back.

"I- I sold our song..." He said lowering his head and totally in fear

"What!? In how much money in return?" Her sweet hyung busted and she shushed him, "Keep it calm!" She said.

"7000 won!" 

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