Chapter five.

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We got out of the hospital, both of us didn't say a word.

The sun was setting already, I didn't realise the time went so fast when i was in. I stood near the main gate blankly starring the orange sky, thinking about nothing.

"Let's eat something first, you have only had breakfast, you must be hungry-"

"We.... Have only had breakfast and..
we... are hungry..." I cut him off and look at him, "I have heard there is a good cafe nearby at a walkable distance, let's go?"

"Y-yeahh... Let's go" he said all in a confused face but then changed his confused face into a smile and started walking next to me.

While walking he placed his heavy hand on my shoulders, wantedly placing all his weight on it making me bent down. I look at him still walking ,bearing his hands on my shoulders, and see him smirking playfully, i look forward and kick his leg with my leg from side making him almost trip but i grab his collar from behind before he could fell on his face and pull him back giggling. He stops walking while i still continue to walk placing both of my hands in my pockets not even giving a glance on him but smirking. Just at a few more step i stop and look back at him while he is still standing there, glaring at me, and even we don't know what got into us, i started to run as he runs behind me to catch me.

Running a few metres i slowed down while he came next to me and hit my head from behind, I groan and hold his hair into my fist for doing that, "say sorry and I'll leave your shitty hair" i said, instead of saying sorry, although i expected him the same, he grabbed my pony tail and pulled down making me screech in annoyance.

"You leave mine, I will leave yours." He says while groaning as i tighten up my grip on his hair.

Funny thing was, we were still walking, and everyone was giving us weird looks.

A group of small kids passes by and all of them laugh at us.

"See even 5 years old small kids are laughing on us, now leave-"
"How do you know they are 5?" I ask still struggling to walk.
"Stupid, I am just guessing." he says
"First you let go-"
"You grabbed mine first, first you let go-"

(Random kid POV from the group that passed by)

"They were making so funny faces you saw that?" one of my friend, jeongwoo, said, and we all laughed again.

"Hey, don't laugh you fools, they both love each other..." Hyein said while we were still walking back to our homes together.

"Hah, no way, did you see they were holding eachother hairs as if they would pull out all of their hairs and they'll go bald" he said stopping. We all stood and listen to him and her talking.

"They hate eachother..." He said, my other friend who was standing next to me began saying then, "He was holding her like this," he holds my hair tightly i scream and tell him to leave, "yahh, jinwoo,Don't touch me-" i tell him.

"See, anyone would hate you if you pull out their hair..." jeongwoo said shrugging.

Me and the boy next to me nodded and agreed. We now look at her to speak, she rolled her eyes before speaking,
"My mom was watching something on the TV the other day and i was doing my homework-"

"Oh homework!!! I forgot to do!!!"

"Yahh It was just colouring i would help you."

"Coloring is hard."

"I'll help you-"

"Listen to me now!!" Three of us shut up and she continued.

"She was sleeping while TV was still on, i wanted to switch the channel to my favourite one, but i couldn't find the remote so i had to see what she was watching. The girl and boy in it fight a lot but they end up together!" She says and we see jeongwoo rolling his eyes, "it's jusht a film, nothing happens like that in reality. My mom says we should not fight with eachother if we like eachother. Tell me Hyein-ahh, do your mom and dad fight like that?" She nodded as no and he spoke again, "They love eachother, they won't hurt eachother..."

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