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I was walking back to my room and on my way i saw all the rooms closed except of one.


I hate to admit that while going, i peeked in, i shouldn't have.

Because something odd made me go in.

The windows were open, the fan was on along with the ac, geez in this cold weather.

The room was messed up.
It irritated me because of the bills i would have to pay for the electricity.

I would have gone back after switching off the lights and fan, but the table caught my attention.

I soon regretted.

I didn't wanted to be there anymore, the picture laying on the table was starting to haunt me in a way that I couldn't look away from it.

The same swings, the same tree,the only difference was, it was more closer than what I had seen in my weird dream when I passed out at school after that fight.What was it doing here in their room? How was it there?and why was it there?I had never even talked about this part to any of the boys not even mom nor Jungkook.

I didn't wanted to yet I pick up the picture in my hand and that's when my heart dropped as well as my body did on my knees as I felt shivers ran down in them.

There wasn't just one pic alone there are many photo cards underneath.

The first pic of the same park,but with the same children playing in it,the same where they were playing earlier my dream.A girl on one of the boys Piggy Bank right rest of them on swing. It was from the perspective of the boy who was recording everyone.

My vision blurd and it got me confused,

"Why am I crying?"

I sat on my butt when I felt pain on my knee is for sitting on them for too long.

I leaned back on the bed's edge sitting on the floor looking at the photos and trying to understand my feelings.

I placed the top photo at the bottom to see the next photo.

It was of the same young teens a photo of eight of them to get the in front of a school, the school my mom said I went in earlier but I don't remember being in there.

For a short second something flash through my brain causing me nothing but hard pain in my head,


I hissed holding my head as a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped the water of my face and switched the photo again.

This time, it was of two kids.

I gasped,when I processed the background,

It was the same bridge on which me and jimin danced on and now boy's face was exactly similar to the 21 year old jimin but the girl,
"who is she?"

She was oddly familiar, her hairs reached reached upto her shoulders, giving a beautiful smile to the camera while her elbow placed on the boy's shoulders, but again I had no idea who she actually was.

"Is this why took me there?"
I thought looking at it while the pain in my head growing wild,"is she someone special to him?"

But then my thoughts backed off,
"Then why would he take me there?"
I am mumbled but the next second all the pictures fell on the ground as my hands lost the grip on them the pain started increasing even more, "ugh!"

I close my eyes tightly and held my head in my hands pulling my knees near my chest as I felt my brain twitching and I felt really irritated.

I wanted it to stop

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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