Chapter seven.

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I am switching the first person place to she as i think that would be more comfortable for me to write, i would be switching it in between when i feel it would be better, and that's the best part of e book writing, you don't get to do that in novels lolll.
Thank you if you are reading, you're an angle <3

(You's POV)

"You must be Aerum!" He said backing up a little from her, rubbing the back of his head while smiling, his dark brown undercut hairstyle really made him look perfect under the light.
"Jungkook told us about you,"

"You must be one of his friends that got kicked out," she said,it came out if her naturally although she didn't wanted to sound sarcastic, but that's was somehow her natural habbit.
"Jungkook told me about you all"

"Hehh, Nice to meet you, I am Kim Namjoon!"

She turns around to see jungkook scratching his head and shifting his eyes on her and smiling continuously.

"You are smiling as if your are making me meet your girlfriend!" She said still getting over the incident that happened a minute ago.

Aerum now hears the other guy chuckle, he looks at the house and then to her,
He asks, "Your mum.Is she okay now?"

"Ahh, yeah she is hospitalised right now, i would need to talk to her about this, but, umm" she,looking at Jungkook before speaking again, "You guys can stay here if you all want to, it would be better than to sleep in car, only if you all want to!"

Aerum wanted to bang her own head on the wall for talking like that,her nerves were not in control, as she have never had any friends except for jungkook, it's has always been that she either has enemies or strangers. And now, she doesn't know this person, and moreover he was jungkook's close friend, she didn't know how to talk to him. He smiled when after she finished speaking, and asked for a excuse to talk to jungkook,after bowing a little she went into her house because it was freezing outside.

After marching towards her room the first thing came on her mind was, "Let me ask mom about this"

Aerum dial her number and after a few rings she picks up.

"Have you reached?"

"You never start with a hello mom!"
I sighed

"I heard a sigh!"

"I did not sigh!"

"You did, well alright you are not gonna accept that anyway,"

"You're not gonna believe anyway!"
Her mom scoffed when she said that,

She wondered how long it has been since the last time she had a conversation like that with her mom.

"You're so stubborn!" She says and coughs,

"Got that from you, and please kindly take your medicines as i know you haven't already"

"Yeah yeah. Have you eaten anything? You were with me almost the whole afternoon"

Aerum roamed around and then near the window to see if jungkook and the other guy were still standing there in the cold, and they were, they seemed serious, but she shrugged because she very well knew it was none of her business.

She told her mom about what happened earlier when they both came out of the hospital.

Somewhere deep down in her heart, she felt so right, after so long her and her mom were having a chat like that, the happiness soon died when she hear her cough again, remembering what is going to happen to her mother in few months.

"And mom, actually, i really need to talk about something!" She finally asks sitting on her bed while loosing her tied hair down on her shoulders.

"Hmm? What is it?"

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