Chapter six

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"Well, jungfood i think-"

"Aerum." He corrects me with a glare i say nothing about it but continue to speak,

"Something is really up with you, tell me already before I start doing some black magic to trick you ir mayb-"

He grabbed my mouth with his hands with is arms around me to make me shut up.

"You talk too much!"

I struggled to get out of his grip, i scowl at my defeat, "so you are not going to tell me" we continue to walk with our hands in our pockets, it was getting a bit cold. We walk through the street lights.

I was continuosly calculating what could possibly be the right way to make him say his problem easily, my phone rang making my come out of my calculations. I see the caller id and it's from my mom, i didn't wanted to but still felt my heart pause for a moment, although i have accepted what all is happening and promised mom to be a strong girl, something wasn't feeling right,

"Have you reached home Aerum? Are you both okay? Where is jungkook?"

"Mom, calm down!" I say stopping to walk, jungkook pauses too.

"Yeah we are almost home and jungkook is with me right now, he said is coming over so he'd be with me at home don't worry."
I tell her and indicate him to continue walking. After having few yes and no's with my mom and reassuring her that i am going to be okay I hang up.

"Do you know, when i got the call from mom's number earlier at my room, my heart skipped a beat at the thought of her being hospitalised, and now when i got the call again, even though i know what is happening to her, my heart just paused for a second?"

"And you are alive, wow, unbelievable!"

"Can you be serious for once?" I say hitting his shoulders with my fist while he giggles.

"And now i know what's wrong with you!" I say still looking ahead.

From the corner of my eyes i saw him looking at me, and i know he now knows that i recalled about "The favour!"

He says nothing but walks along, "Now tell me, who is the we?"

"Yea- actually nevermind, let's talk about that tomorrow, today has been stressing for us-"

"Jungkook!" I say, then i realised that i said his name, shit i got too serious, he looked at me, and I found fear clearly seen on his face, I didn't break the character of being serious hoping this way he would finally say what's bothering him.

"As i told you earlier about where i live." I hummed as he started speaking, if we weren't into such conversation i would have died walking so slow, we both haye slow walking.

"I live with a few other boys, and, yesterday we were kicked out of the apartment by the owner of it." Scratching his back neck he continued trying not to look at my horrified reaction.

"See, I just wanted you to talk to your mom, if she has anywhere we can safely live, like you know, own property."

Ok so wait. I heard it right, jungkook is asking for help, my face heated up and i felt something in my heart, a feeling, not at all a strange one.

The feeling of happiness.

"You can't imagine how much-"
"Guilt?" I completed is sentence, and he nodded, "Shut up, no, never feel that"

"So.... Can you please, um... Help me and the boys?"

I instantly tried recalled if we had any other family property we owned. But felt like a clown remembering all the fights with my mom's brothers. Four of my uncle's, all useless. I sighed.

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