chapter four

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Everything stopped for a moment for me.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask stuttering, wanting her to say that no it's not true.

"And she ended up in hospital too late i think, she avoided a lot of her signs when she should have visited the hospital."

All my hopes died.

So it's really the truth. My mom. She is going to be dead in, "How much time?"

"What?" She ask getting off guard as i interrupted her. "Oh, yeah, um, she has a few months left"

"How much?" My voice breaking but still i wanted to hold on,
"Can we take her home?"

She let out another sigh, and looked at me, surprisingly I understood her silence as the answer to my second question.

"Kindly fill the formalities in the form and, book a room for her today it self."

I stare at the file blankly. I nodded and got up from my seat and got out of the room slowly, my brain suddenly stopped functioning. I stood out infront of the glass door for a moment, still looking at the reports, "Areum?" I heard my name.

"Jungkook~" I mumbled at his sight and that's when I burst out.

Tears continuously flowing from my eyes making his shirt all wet on the right shoulder,
"Shh, it's alright, It's gonna be okay-" I shushed me patting my head when i suddenly hugged him and started crying.

"It's not going to be alright, No jungkook it's not going to be okay, nothing is gonna be okay!" I parted and said in between my sobs. He looked at me amd sighed.

"I know what has happened, and I am still saying, you'll be alright," he said,

"I can make it right"

His voice suddenly echoed in my head.

"How?" I ask as he makes me sit on the chair of the hospital hallway. "This is cancer, and you know i-it can't be cured-"

"I know, Aerum, and you have to understand, we can't do anything to save her, but, we can do atleast everything that would make her happy before she takes her last breath, we can right?" He calmly said.

"She is up, and is looking for you, don't make her wait, talk to her,"

"I c-can't face h-her, I-" I didn't wanted to stutter, but the ache in my heart was making my mouth do that.

"First of all, It's not your fault is it? No, you didn't even know she was stressed out or was sick, you rarely got the chance to see her through all these years, secondly, she is your mom Aerum, and she loves you, she just wants you to be strong, please don't disappoint her!" I hear him say while tears still proceed to flow down my face.

I wipe my tears and nodded. Gathering my courage, I followed back to the room she was in, and this time when i opened the door, she wasn't sleeping anymore, her eyes were open and immediately at the sight of me, she smiled.

I went near her with my head hanging low. My stomach twisted when she managed to sit properly in pain, I help her giving my hand, still shivering through the shock i got a few minutes ago.

"How are you my gorgeous?" She said, i noticed the change in her voice, it was low, it was weak, my heart broke.

"Aerum you mean," I corrected her lile i usually do, and she chuckled as always she does whenever i correct her,

"Areum~" she quietly said placing her other hand on mine which was already on her's, I was gripping it tightly while my eyes again started to produce tears, god damn it, why are they not in control? She patted with her hand on my hands warmly and again spoke with her low voice,

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