Chapter eight.

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"if I am not interrupting anything..." She hears another voice from the door where yoongi was standing.

It was the plumpy smile guy, as she recalled his name

"Jin?" She say and smile continuing her work again. "You are not interrupting us, you are actually saving me from an awkward conversation." She shrugged said and again regretting for spitting her thoughts so quik.

Jin giggles and comes beside her washing the rest of the vegetables placed near the sink while she finished cutting the cabbage.

"What are we going to cook then?" He asks making her frown, "We?"

"Jin hyung loves cooking, and we love eating what he cooks." And there appeared another male voice, it was the eye smile.

When Aerum turned to look at him, she sees that, Yoongi was gone already.

"And well jungkook used to tell us that you cook amazing and you have taught him how to cook." He says sitting on the chair.

"So we thought if you and jin hyung collab your cooking skills, we can receive an masterpiece for dinner tonight!"

She giggled at his words and agreed.

"So...." She began.

"We are making kimchi fried rice with some soup and stew tonight!" Announcing and getting a nodd from jin. They began working on it.

"Jimin can you take out the fish?" She asks jimin and he agrees after giving her his sweet eye smile once again.

She feel a pat on her right shoulders and it's jin beside her when she turns her head.

"From next time don't ask," he whispered, and Aerum thought she should have rather brought it herself rather than asking, she was about say, but he continued with a tsk stopping the girl infront of him who was almost being sorry, "yell and say, Yahh jimin take out the fish!" He waved his hands as if he is explaining, it made her giggle internally but when his gaze shifted towards her, she just nodd with a serious look.

"Try it!"

"Huh? Now?"

"Yeah yeah, ask him to get some more chilly from the fridge!"

Aerum processes a bit then nodd, and says after taking a deep breath, "Jimin can you als-"


And small smack on head, "oww" she rub where it pained and frown at jin asking what, he glares at her and she knew why.

"Yahhh, jimin bring the chillies too." She yelled and her breathe hicked when she turned back and found jimin standing right infront with a speechless face with a pack of fish in his hands he took out from the fridge.

Shit shit shit.

"Sorr-" he cut her off from her words and said, "yess mam!" And went away to the fridge to get it.

Aerum opened and closed her mouth and look at jin, "were you about to say sorry?" He asks with his low deep tone.

"N-no" she says, he looks at you.

And that's when both of them burst into laughter making jimin laugh too.

"I bet jin hyung told you to do that Aerum! And you know what, you should talk like that, it suits you!" Jimin said making her roll her eyes and laugh about it.


She didn't realise when the time flew while talking to jin and jimin while cooking, the food was ready to serve and she was denying to agree the fact that so much was prepared so quickly. Cooking was always time consuming and boring for her, although the out comes always are amazing, she never had any interest in cooking.

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