Chapter two

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(Aerum's POV)...

I opened the kitchen door finding jungkook peacefully eating while swinging his one leg and other placed of the chair.
He always sits like that.

I pass by him hitting his head from back to bring him off guard from his thoughts l, he looks at me and glares for doing that.

"Sit like a lady!" I say jokingly, I sit on the chair across the table,while my eyes roam around the whole kitchen to find where my mom is.

It's really rare to find her around without planning on a phone call, specially in the morning.

"She has left for work!" He said while taking another bite and taking out his phone.

"She left just now?" I ask and my eyes go at the wall clock, "It's noon already!" I gasp and look at him, his no reaction made me even more mad.

"It's noon already and you are sleeping, wow!" He looks up, "and you slept with that dress on? Lazy brat!" And casually shifted his focus back on his food and phone.

My mom always leaves the house before nine hitting the clock, how did she manage to cook for jungkook and leave on time? Getting breakfast cooked by mom is once in a blue moon thing that happens only on weekends probably. She always has work, always, even on weekends,i wonder if she has married her work or maybe found someone to marry at work, I don't know.

"Stop starring and serve your own, before i finish mine, otherwise you know I won't be able to resist back, I cook too good!" He says, still scrolling on his phone.

Realisation hit me like a train. Mom left the house at usual time and it's jungkook who cooked. I scowl at him and stood up to take out my Bibimbap on my plate. "What do you want?" Sitting back on my chair.

"A favor..." He casually said this time keeping his phone back into his pocket, taking another bite then looking at me.


"I haven't even asked yet..."

"No" i mumbled while eating.

"You are being polite, it's clear it's not a small favour." I continue.

"I hate you for knowing me too much Areum" He says and i shrug while taking a piece of meat from his plate,

"Heyyy you theif!"

"Shut up, take it as a compliment, you really cook too good" i say not looking away from my plate,


I chuckled and finished eating. No wonder i was so hungry. I didn't realise how instantly I ate.

"You are a pig, who eats so fast?" He scowls eating his last bite and placing the plate in the sink next to mine.

"I was hungry. You know, I came back late yesterday and mom wasn't home, I was too tired to make something for myself, I couldn't even change into pajama's you see." I said.

"Hmn." He said again taking out his phone while i look at him while drinking big gulps of water.

Isn't he too much on phone now a days.

I snatch the phone not attempting to see what's in it, I got no interest in checking something that he doesn't wants me to check, but just to make him spit his favour he wants from me, even though I am afraid that it might be something I can't do, but the curiosity would eat me from inside.

"Hey you!" I heard him say from the kitchen as i am already running through the hallway to get into my room, I hear rushing footsteps behind me.

I think I should have ran out because I would be stuck and he surely is going to kill me for doing so, there is no way i can get out of my room because he is already on the doorway breathing heavily. This was such a bad idea to run this side.

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