Chapter three.

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"We-" before he could even start, my phone buzzed in the bed, he sighed and got up to bring it to me.

I sit up taking it in my hands. "It's mom?" I mumbled and he nodded.

"What's up mom?" I ask, totally confused, because her call to me at this hour was impossible.

"Hello?" I heard

Hell. It wasn't my mom's voice, but another female, and not at all familiar.

I looked at Jungkook getting even more confused making him confuse too, he gestures and asks me what's the matter.

"W-who are you speaking? From my mother's phone?" I ask

"Oh dear, I think you should hurry to the Busan central hospital soon!" She said all worried, yet, she wasn't in panic.

"What's the matter?" I ask with nervousness crept up on my body.

"Put it in speaker!" Jungkook whispered and i did.

"You mom was working as usual, but she suddenly fainted!" She said, "She was looking stressed from a few days though"

I felt as if my heart stopped beating.

"We- we would be right there!" Jungkook takes the phone from my hands and says before hanging up.

I couldn't think of anything, I looked at Jungkook, he was already getting up.

"Let's go?" He said hurriedly, "ye-yes" I reply getting up and rushing behind him outside.

Immediately we got into a taxi and drove to the hospital that lady on the call was referring to.

Throughout the ride, i couldn't think of anything else but my mom. Almost tearing up but I stopped myself from crying. I shouldn't be weak at this moment.

I felt a hand on my shoulders making me come out of my thoughts. I looked at him, he had same worriedness stick in his face.

"It's gonna be okay... That woman was not in panic. I think Aunty is overworking herself, she is maybe stressed lately so she passed out. " I nodded as he said, "she'll be fine, don't worry" I hummed in response and looked out of the window, hoping he was right and it's nothing to worry about.

I jumped out of the car exactly when it stopped infront of the hospital, I knew jungkook would catch me up so i didn't mind waiting for him instead I rushed in and asked the receptionist about my mom.

"Um, Mrs Choi is in...Room no.7 that's right room no. 7-" I felt jungkook standing beside me when she said that scrolling through her computer,

"Miss. Choi" i corrected her and ran towards the elevator to reach the second floor where my mom is.

The door swung open revealing my mom on the bed, pale face, sleeping with white sheets of the hospital. My heart felt so heavy at the sight of her. How could i not know she was struggling through stress. I went near her and sat on the chair placed next to her bed and held her hand. Jungkook was behind me all the time, quietly standing there near the wall.

I placed my forehead on my mom's hand, "Sorry mom"

I slightly pull out when i hear the door open with a creek sound, it was a nurse who opened it and behind her walked another women, probably the doctor, she was wearing big round glasses and was almost double of my age, early thirties maybe.

"You both are?" She asks to which i didn't say anything but let jungkook reply,

"She is the daughter of the patient and i am her-"

" Boy friend?" She cut him of before he could say, i look at her totally weirded out.

"Excuse me?" I spat getting up, still being calm as much as possible. Something was off about this lady, but i still not wanting to judge kept quiet.

"Just guessing, not brother for sure right?" She said after telling the nurse to change the gluecose wire as it was almost empty

"Close family friend." He says while slightly pinching me on my hand indicating me to keep calm. The women in white nodded and checked the pulse of my mother threw the nerves of her hand. She noted something in her file and then turned to us.

"Can we talk in my office, Miss. Choi?"

"Sure... I guess?" I looked for jungkook as he nodded, "You be here with mom" i say


"You trust him too much it seems huh?"
She said when we got into her cabin,

"You peak your nose into other's business too much it seems huh?" I said same of her tone sitting on the seat infront of her,

"Mrs. Kang!" I completed my sentence, finally looking at her after roaming my eyes casually on the walls where her certificates where hanged,all framed. I could feel her confidence faint but she smiled, I'd say, sadly smiled? And handed me a file politely.

I cluelessly turn it's pages reading it, my eyes landed on the foreign word,

I looked at her hoping she would explain what it means.

"You see, Miss. Choi, your mother, is having that, Myeloma." She said and sighed,
"I think you don't know what it means right?"

"I am not a bio student sorry, but, what is it?" I ask blankly.

"She has a blood cancer"

Well... Fuck.

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