Chapter nine.

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"So, Joon hyung is staying with Jin hyung, yoongi hyung although he didn't wanted to share with anyone of us, he has to share with jimin, and you already know Hoseok hyung is with taehyung."

Aerum hitted his head still breathing heavily because of the jump scare she got a minute ago.

"So I'll be with you~" he said rolling down some sheets on her mattress.

"The rooms are small unlike my grandmother's room, hope they'd adjust well."she says and he nodded in response.

"Why the hell were you sitting in the dark." She asked helping him set his bedsheet on the floor.

"I was thinking something deep."

"Ohh please don't start, i had a dive into deep oceans with Hoseok." He nodded.

"You really weren't joking when you told me the night view is amazing from your window!" He said looking out while she took out her laptop to start working on it after they both got some snacks from the kitchen, jungkook knew she won't sleep that early, and if she could she would never sleep.

He switched off the lights and sat on the edge of her window ceiling looking out, she was sitting across him flashing the screen light on her face in the dark room.

"You better sleep." She mumbled while her hands begin to tap on the keys.

"What chapter are you in right now? Did they made it out?" He asked ignoring what she insisted him to do.

"Almost there, some more chapters are left to work on and nope they are still stuck in there, and guess what?" She smirked at him, he asked what,
"Romance is kicking in"

He raised his eyebrows and laughed at it,
"Finally now i can read the shits you write."

"As if I don't know you have read all my publishes." She looked at him and he looked out immediately acting he didn't hear her.

"It's all sad ending anyway, I won't read any now, you are obsessed with sad endings"

She laughed and continued typing.

"Aerum Don't over work yourself."
He said with a pinch of worry in his voice,
"We have school tomorrow, then we have to do our shift at cafe and i know you have got some stupid idea about the cafe that would consume more energy than daily working days at cafe, then you would also not stop yourself from coming home not for rest but for boxing, then you'd-"

She cut him off with her words making him scowl like a kid again to which she giggled.

"By the way, hahaah," she looked at him scowling, "You look like a kid when you do that, stop."

"Well, you are a kid, stop over working is all i am saying."

"Okay and what about you? You don't 'overwork'?" She looked at him and he sighed.

"I would finish this till tomorrow, so then I'll try to get good sleep then." She said.


"Now you sleep."

"I won't." He replied, she looked up to glare at him but, the light of the bright mood was hitting on his face, he was looking out, it took her off guard.

She never noticed, her best friend is quite attractive. His eyes peeping from under is hair that covered his forehead. His brown suger skin, and a mark on his cheek she made when they had their first fight. It's a scar given by her she recalls. Her eyes were stuck on him and she didn't realise he was looking at her now.

Her heart beat started getting louder in her chest when her eyes met his. As if it has been so long they didn't had a eye contact. It didn't made any sense to her why they remained like that for so long.

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