Chapter Eight

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The alarm on your phone rang loudly and immediately woke you up. It was about 6:00 A.M. You were to come in to work at about 8:00. You got out of bed, stopped the alarm, and stretched your stiff body. An involuntary sigh escaped your mouth as your joints cracked.

You took a quick shower, styling your hair in a high bun like you normally do for work once you got out. Slipping on the scrubs, you put on a jacket and did minimal makeup.

It was about 6:45, so you went to the kitchen to get a quick breakfast of eggs and toast. You downed a cup of coffee as you went through your phone. Checking YouTube, you noticed that the video Mark posted featuring you had two million views.

Two million?! Damn, the news of a possible girlfriend sure gets around.

Additionally, he had a short video he posted talking about tonight's livestream. You smiled, remembering you were going to be in it. You still needed to come up with some questions.

When it was 7:30, you brushed your teeth and left the apartment. You shut the door to lock it and looked up. There was a note on the door. You took it down.

"Good luck at work. You'll be amazing. -Mark"

You giggled, putting the note in your purse. Thinking to yourself, you realized Mark should be awake at this point. You knocked on his door. If he didn't come, you were just going to leave.

Surely enough, he came straight to the door. He was still in his pajamas.

"Hey, (y/n)..." he said, slightly confused. "Aren't you going to work?"

You fell silent. Something inside of you changed. It was as if you weren't in control of your body anymore.

You stared at his lips, and, noticing you, he came outside and approached you. The man wasn't much taller than you, but his figure loomed over yours. You kept your head at its current level, but flicked your eyes up to stare into his. He kept his gaze steady.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

You lifted your head and kissed Mark, softly pressing your lips to his. It was a chaste kiss at first, but became deeper as Mark wrapped his arm around your waist. He pulled you into him, sighing into the embrace. He caressed your face with his free hand, tracing your cheek with his thumb.

When you broke apart, the both of you were out of breath and staring into each other's eyes.

"Well...Good morning," he said an octave lower than normal. He smirked, giving you a small kiss.

He let go of you as you walked away, the both of you blushing and smiling. You turned around to wave goodbye, but he was already back inside.

You continued down the hallway and kept walking until you found yourself in front of your car. You got in the black SUV and started it, backing out and exiting the lot.

"I can't believe I did that!" you said as you drove, shocked at yourself. What had come over you? Was what you felt now the panic Mark experienced after filming the gaming video with you?

That kiss wasn't real though. This one was.

"Hooooly shit, he kissed me back!" you hissed under your breath, turning the radio on to distract you.

Loud rock music blared from the speakers. The pounding bass sent vibrations through your already shaking body. Soon enough, you had arrived at the hospital. You turned both the music and car off and got out. Your heartbeat accelerated as you approached the building. When you opened the doors, you were greeted by fluorescent lights and the normal hustle and bustle of the medical life.

You walked up to the front desk past a group of patients, where a woman sat at a computer. She looked up at you. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm the new recruit. Today's my first day here," you responded. The woman's face brightened. "Oh, Nurse (l/n)! Right on time! I'll page Dr. Tyler." She made a call and motioned for you to sit down. You complied, looking around the large room. Moments later, a blond doctor entered the room and approached you.

"Good morning, (y/n). Welcome to White Oaks Medical Center. I'm Dr. Tyler. Glad to have you on board," he said, reaching to shake your hand. You stood up and shook it. "I'm happy to be here," you said, smiling.

He led you through two large doors into the corridors of the hospital. As you walked, you had a conversation about what your first days here would be like.

"We're going to have you work with a nurse who has been here for almost a year. He is a bright young man, and I believe you guys are close in age. He will teach you all you need to know to work in our trauma center. I know you're working to be a nurse anesthetist," he explained.

"Alright, sounds good," you replied. You were trying to hold back your gigantic smile. Your day had finally come, and your dream was finally starting. Now, you were just excited to meet the person you were to train with.

He led you into a small meeting room and told you to have a seat. "I'm going to send him in. You probably won't do much today. I just want him to do a discussion with you," the doctor said. You nodded, and he left the room.

The next person that walked into the room was who you least expected to see, nor wanted to see.

"Hey, babe."

The Girl Who Knocked (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now