Chapter Fifteen

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Weeks went by. Sometimes Mark would take you to work and pick you up afterwards. You would go out to eat at some little joint down the road, but never anywhere fancy. Half your nights were spent at his house. Every once in a while, you'd wake up forgetting which apartment you were in. By this point, you and Mark had been dating over a month.

You were sitting in the living room, scrolling through Netflix, a blanket wrapped around you. Mark was doing something in the other room.

"Hey, babe, do you want to watch Orange is the New Black?" you said loudly. "Again?" Mark's voice boomed from the other room. "I wanna know what happens to Soso!" you exclaimed. Mark came in the room, an envelope in his hand. "Okay, but wait for me," he requested. You nodded, sitting back and sighing. Mark set the envelope down and approached you.

Mark sat with you and started nuzzling into your neck. "I don't want to watch the show anymore. I want cuddles," he begged. You draped an arm around him and ran your fingertips up and down his arm. "So needy," you said with mock annoyance. Mark chuckled and adjusted himself so that he was laying against you.

He looked up at you. "Am I too heavy?" he asked. You shook your head. "I'm kinda tired. You can watch the show without me," he suggested. He snuggled into your lap and fell asleep. You made use of your arms, running one hand down his back and the other through his hair.

Your heart soared at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful and safe. You took his glasses off and placed them on the table, trying not to disturb him. Then, you went ahead and watched your show, since Mark didn't mind missing it. After it was over, he was deep in sleep, but still laying on you.

Your eyes turned to the envelope across the room. Mark had set it down without even opening it. Curiosity came over you. Slowly, you wiggled out from under Mark and got up from the couch. You walked over to where the envelope was and picked it up.

Looks like something from a production company. I don't think I should open this, but I kind of have the right to know.

Carefully, you opened the letter without tearing it and read its contents.

Dear Mr. Fischbach,
We would like to invite you to join us in our latest project, a short film titled "Sonder." We're entering a film contest for YouTubers. For a while now, we've observed your talent in acting with all the sketches you've participated in. We want you to play a supporting character in our cast. You'd play as Daniel Collins, the neighbor of our main male, Sam Tucker. Please notify us by the end of the week if you want to participate, so we have time to contact our next choice. We will send you your script and notify you on when and where to go.
Thank you for your consideration.
Janet Eads, Executive Casting Director at DigiAge Productions

Your eyes grew wide after you finished reading.

Oh my god, Mark is gonna be in a movie!

You resealed the letter and put it back where you found it. You walked back to Mark, who seemed to finally be waking up. He groaned and propped himself up on his forearms, hair messy and eyes squinted. "Good morning, sunshine," you said, smiling and ruffling his dark hair. He sat up slowly.

"What time is it?" he asked groggily. "It's only been an hour," you said. He slowly stood up and went over to the envelope. "I'm gonna check my mail. You're free to go home, if you want," he said. You looked at your phone, noticing that it was about 10:00 P.M..

"I have the day off tomorrow. Do you want to do something?" you asked. Mark looked at you. "Well, we could go on a date. How does that sound?" he suggested, walking towards you. He took his arms around your waist, pulling you close. "I want to take you somewhere nice and treat you. I want to dress up all spiffy with my favorite girl and have a great night."

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