Chapter One

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Today was easily going to be one of the most exciting and strenuous days of your life. You were finally moving into your new apartment. It's your first time living alone. Your entire time in college was spent living with at least one other person, and at one point your ex-boyfriend, but that's history now.

You went up the elevator after getting the key to your new home. You resided on the fifth floor, in room H. Thank heavens you were able to snag this room so quickly after it became free, and for such a fair price. The elevator doors opened, and you walked down the hallway until you reached H.

Hand shaking, you slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it, opening the heavy door. When you entered the room, you felt your heart soar. The apartment came almost completely furnished, saving you a lot of money. The excitement of owning your own place boiled over, and you couldn't help but squeal. You took your lanyard from your purse, attached your key, and put it around your neck. You were going to use this a lot within the next few hours.

You knew your car was still parked outside, so you needed to move it as soon as possible. All your boxes were in there, just waiting to be moved up here. It was going to take forever doing this on your own. You exited your room and looked at the door across from you. Room 5G.

"Maybe there's someone home who can help me," you said out loud. It couldn't hurt to at least meet your neighbor.

You walked up to the door and knocked.

No answer. "Is anyone home?" you asked.

You sighed, knocking again.

"J-just a second!" You heard a voice yell. It sounded like a man's voice. You put your ear up to the door. You heard a terrifying screeching sound, followed by a scream from the person inside. Your eyes widened.

"Hello?!" you yelled. You started banging on the door. What was in there?!

You heard stumbling towards the door before it swung open. A man in a black t-shirt and jeans stood there, panting. "Hey..." he said to you. He eyed you before saying, "Do I know you?"

"No, I'm new here," you replied. "In fact, I'm moving in today. A-are you ok? I heard screaming."

He laughed, adjusting his stance. "I'm fine. I was playing a horror game when you knocked, and one of the monsters jumped out and scared me."

"Oh, ok..." you said, relief washing over you.

The man wasn't too much taller than you. You were taller than most girls you knew, standing at 5'8". He had tousled black hair that seemed wavy, scruffy facial hair, and glasses that showed off his bright eyes.

He reached out to shake hands with you. "I'm Mark," he said, grinning.

You smiled slightly, shaking back. "I'm (y/n)," you replied. Your hands lingered for a little too long before they broke apart.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, (y/n). What brings you by?" he asked.

"I was just wondering if you could help me bring my boxes up here," You said hopefully.

Mark thought for a second before saying, "Sure! Anything for my new neighbor. Can you give me a second, though? I need to turn a couple of things off."

You nodded. "Of course. I'll be downstairs by the black SUV. Just meet me there."

"Ok, see you then!" Mark exclaimed before shutting the door. You started your way down the hallway and back to the elevator. The doors opened and you got in.

What a nice guy. That honestly could have gone a lot worse. But...something about him seems so familiar.

You walked out the elevator and through the front doors to wait by your car. Unlocking it, you moved some boxes out of the backseat to take in first. Moments later, you heard a voice behind you.

The Girl Who Knocked (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now