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Freen: hey becky wait

Becky: I want to go home.

Freen: Lets go.

At the middle of their way home becky notice that.

Becky: hey freen this is not my way home.

Freen: yeah i know.

Becky: where are we going.

Freen: to the place that I know you will love it.

Becky: Okay.

When they arrive Becky look amaze of the place.

Becky: where are we freen?

Freen: My place.

Becky: really.

Freen: yep. "Freen drag to the Yatch becky"

Becky : wow you really something freen.

Freen: lets go ☺️

Freen take becky to the middle of the sea where is the moon looks so near.

Freen: you know what becky I didn't expect that you can still control your emotions toward Sam.

I thought you gonna drag the girl and full her hair slap or anything violent.

Becky: do you really think Im that kind of girl? Im not a child anymore freen

Freen: yes you are 😂😂😂

Becky: tse.

Freen: you can cry if you want to im always here for you.

Becky: I wont waste my tears and my pretty eyes. " Teary eyes_ 🥺

Freen: you don't need to look strong becbec you can be who you are.

Becky: Freen Am i not worth it to wait? " Crying  " 😭

Freen: you're worth it becky

Becky: I feel so fool. I trusted him I give him the assurance that Im into him to. But why?

Freen: Its okay. Sometimes love story are not mean to be happy ending.

Becky: I really mad at myself how could i let myself to be fool of that guy.
"Becky lean her head at freen's Shoulder"

Becky: can we stay  like this?

Freen: yes can becky.

Becky falls asleep.

Freen look at becky
"How beautiful this lady how I wish I could be her moon. I will alway there for her even her darkest hour in her life..

Freen take her in the bed
And kiss becky's forehead.

Freen: Sweet dreams

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