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On her way to church there is a black car got in their way.

Becky: why do we stop?
Driver: there's a car in our front maam.

5 big boys came out to the car and each of them carrying a gun.

The drive tried to drive backward there is another car at their back and he bump it.

The man smashed the window and drag the driver.

Becky:Who are you?

Man: Maam come out there.

Becky: No!

Man: behave or else.

Becky: then kill me if you want!!

The man pull out Becky at the car harshly.

A woman came out wearing same Becky's gown

Man: you know what to do.

Girl: do i have to do this?

Man: remember your husband is our hand.

Girl:Okay , please don't hurt my husband

Man: get in the car faster

The girl looks at becky and mouthed "IM SORRY"
Becky smile weakly.

Then the man open the door of the black car and throw becky inside.

Becky: Ouch! Where at we going!!! Why you doing this !!!

Man: please shut up and don't ask any stupid questions.

After a long ride they arrive at the abandoned building.

Becky was so scared she prayed in her mind that hopefully FREEN WILL SAVE HER.


Freen trying to calm herself thinking what the best way to save becky.

Mrs.Armstrong : Freen please save my daughter."crying"

Freen: Yes mom and im sorry for what happened.

Mr.Armstrong: Freen you don't have to say sorry it's not your fault. But please take her back.

Freen: Yes dad i will .


Saw a familiar woman and shocked.


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