It jus a Dream

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Becky: Love let me take you to the airport.

Freen: no need love.

Becky:  please comeback as fast as you can because im gonna miss my chamcham.

Freen: Yes love remember no matter what happened I will comeback for you.

Becky: you must or else you can't taste my milk. Make it faster okay?

Freen: yes love.

Becky: iloveyou

Freen: i loveyou too . I have to go love.

Becky: okay love

Becky went to her parents house .

Freen arrive at the airport and onboard .

A few moments in the middle of her flight.

The Pilot announce

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Instead of comfortably cruising at 480 Knots at 35,000 feet, we are currently cruising at a groundspeed of around 200 Knots with a vertical speed of around 150 knots.

It is, however, a wonderfully clear day, so if you look out of your window and direct your gaze towards the ground, you may be able to see two white circles. These are what are called parachutes by those in our profession, and they are currently arresting the fall to earth of myself and my First Officer.

Should the aircraft consequently suffer from decompression, masks will fall from panels in the ceiling. Please pull the mask downwards, and place it over your face to hide your terrified expression from the other passengers.

Thank you for choosing this airline, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your —

Freen follows what's the pilot says.
And grab her phone
Try dialed becky's number but becky didn't answer.

Freen texting becky.

Freen: iloveyou love . Promise ill comeback wait for me.

Becky receive and read it with a smile but her heartbeat going faster.

Becky: i will iloveyouto.

Freen read it and  she already saw full of smoke and a loud sound of explosion.

A few minutes pass

Armstrong residence.

Mr and Mrs: BECKY BECKY!!!!

Becky:  I'm coming

Mr: Make faster!

News:  Breaking news
Freen Sarocha Chankimha
One of the well-known CEO , is one of the passenger onboard of the Plane crash happened early the Thai International Airlines confirms it.

Becky was shock her tears fall
Tries to dial freen'number but cannot be reach.
She kneel down throw her phone and Shouting  ! This cant be.

Mom dad tell me it just a dream tell me!!! Mommmmmmm  I can't lost her dad i cant!!

Mrs and Mr: calm down the news didn't tell they found her body.

Becky: how could i calm down mom its Freen.

Mr: I'll go to the airline.

Becky: ill go with you dad

Mr: no stay here with your mother.

Becky: but dad

Mrs: please listen to your dad becky.

Becky nod and still crying.

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