A Wake.

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Freen is still no where to be found

The rescue team stop to search for freen.
And some news told that freen is already dead

Head of rescuer team:
Mrs and Mrs Chankimha Im sorry to say this we need to pull out our team.

Mr.Chankimha:  I understand thankyou for you help.

Becky: But?
Mrs Armstrong: becky  stop they already did their job.

Becky: mom

Mrs Chankimha: i know how it feels becky but i think we need to accept.

Becky: Okay mom but please let me find her .

Mrs Armstrong: but becky look at you you look thin stress and mesirable.

Becky: Its okay mom
I know Freen is Alive I know she's gonna  fulfill her promises it specially make me her Ms. Chankimha. I can feel it in here "pointed her heart and she hold her hand and look at the ring  smile weakly"

On the other hand

Girl: Oohhhhh daaaddd

Man: yes?

Girl: she move her hand i saw it.

Man: okay step aside let me check her.

Freen slowly open her eyes.

Man: thank God you're a wake.

Girl: we thought you'll gonna die.

Freen look at them and ask.

Freen: who are you?

Man: Im Doc Lee and she is my daughter Nam

Freen: Where are we?

Doc lee: we don't know either.

Nam: after the plane crash we also woke up in this place.

Doc: Can we ask you?

Freen: Yes

Doc: Do you still remember who you are?

Freen: Yes. By the way im Freen.

Nam: i thought you'll have a amnesia just like a movie . For how many months being sleeping beauty you'll forget the one you love. Hahaha

Freen: hold her neck. And look around.

Nam: is this what you looking for? "Show the necklace"

Freen: yes thankyou
Immediately open the necklace and smile after she saw the face of becky.

Freen: by the way Nam you say how many months of sleeping what do mean by that?

Nam: it just 7 months your being sleeping beauty.

Freen: What? It must be kidding!

Doc: its true freen . You must be thankful that this island is full of herbal plant and some of medical kit  of the plane drop here with us that's why your still alive

Nam: and thanks to my dad he is the best doctor in our country.

Freen still trying to sink in everything in her mind
Freen didn't notice she was crying.

Nam: hey do feel hurt?

Freen: I just miss my Girl.

Freen look at the sky
I hope I'm still the one you love
I hope you still waiting for me
I pray you don't loss your hope to look for me
I pray you're okay
My Becky My love My Everything please wait for me Im coming home soon. "Freen mind"

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