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Becky woke up she look for freen,
Freen lying in the sofa .
Becky tries to wake up freen but saddenly freen grab her and hug her while her eyes are closed .

Freen: Hmmmmm "hug tight "

Becky: Freen wake up i can't breath! " And pull freen's hair"

Freen: Ouch!!!!

Becky: Let me go you pervert!!!

Freen: Woooh! Why you're here?
Hhhmmm let me guess are you trying to take advantage of me?? Oh My Geed Becky. "🥴
How could you do this to me ??

Becky: What? Im just trying to wake you up then suddenly you grab me and hug me tight.You!pervert!
I would never do that even you are the last person here in this world.

Freen: even though I did this? " Slowly trying to take off of her shirt"

Becky: Stop Ewwww for the world sake freen don't do that if someone sees you they might throw up.

Freen: Really?? "Wink"

Becky throw a pillow direct to the face of Freen.
Freen do the same they do pillow fight.

The house is full of laughter and shouting.

Then suddenly Becky losses her balance and Freen catch her on time.

Their eyes meet..

Becky feel electricity in her body.

Freen look at becky's lips "bite her own lips"

Both of them heared GROOOOOOLLLL

Freen: becbec lets eat? I guess your baby worms want to eat . "laugh"

Becky nodded and pout her lips.

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