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Becky: How could you do this to me? Did i do something wrong?

Culprit:  No! You're too good . I hate to do this to you but i have to Im sorry . "She hold becky's face and there are tears in her eyes and Laugh." HA HA HA HA.
"HER FACE LOOKS LIKE A PSYCHO her eyes became darker and  she smile strangely this is not Janine I know. "

Becky: I never thought you could do this to me why?

Janine:. Because this is the only way to hurt my PERFECT SISTER and MY ungrateful Dad!

Becky: don't tell me you are the one

Janine didn't let becky finished he words

Janine: the one who try to kill my sister the one who put bomb to the airplane.. IT'S A BIG YEEEES. Becky.

Becky: Why?

Janine: I did everything , gave my all but everything is worthless!!! Do you how it feels to be ignore of your Dad!
Every achievement I did its looks like nothing to him since I was child!!

"Flash Back "

Janine: Mom Dad. I won a gold medal in our Inter school chess competition.

Dad: thats good.

Freen: Dad I have too. I won at archery and Math wizard competition.

Mom: oh so we need to celebrate guys you did a great job..

"When we celebrate i feel invisible like i didn't exist ,their all attention is in her. So i need to do better" "Janine mind"

Janine was focus in her study and she graduated as a top student.

At her Graduation Celebration but she was the one who been ignore,her dad was only introduced freen to well known personalities. That hurts her too much

"It was my event why everyone has her attentions""janine mind"


Becky: I know its hurts but you don't have to do this

Janine: You know? Ha.ha.ha YOU DON'T KNOW !!!NO ONE KNOWS!!!!

"Flash back when freen is missing"

Janine: Dad what we should need to do? My sister is gone.
Dad: Your sister is safe janine you dont have to worry about her.

"Janine was shocked she already though that she killed freen"

Dad: for now i'll be the one who will replace her position in this company for the meantime until we will know who tried to kill your sister.

Janine: Dad Let me to handle this company until my sister come back.

Dad: No. Janine you can't do that.

Janine: I can dad, I work hard also  in this company for how many years.

Dad:  I have no time to argue with you janine. End of discussion.

"Janine leave the office in tears"

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