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Mr. Chankimha: Lets celebrate  🎉 "open a bottle of whiskey"

Mr. Armstrong:  Cheers.

Mrs. Armstrong: I don't know why becky take some any months to say yes to Freen if I we're you one day is enough.

Mr. Armstrong: Hon? I take A year to court you.

Mrs. Armstrong: but after few days we get married right?

Mrs. Chankimha: speaking of marriage Freen and becky whats you plan?

Freen: mom i don't want to rush everything.

Mr. Armstrong: what? I thought tomorrow is your wedding.

Becky: Daaaaadd? I said Yes to freen to be her girlfriend not to be her wife already..

Freen: becky is right.I want to take it slow becky still want to reach her dreams and i want to support her everything she wanted to be. But dont worry mom dad, she the only one i want to be my Mrs. Chankimha not now but when the right time comes. Right Love? "Look at becky with a sweet smile"

Becky: nodded I dont want to rush everything too.

Mrs. Chankimha: Just let them be if they are not ready to marry each other its okay. But can you give us grandchild first?

Freen: Mooom "blush hard"

Mrs Armstrong:  your mom is right take this you really need this tonight. " offer a glass of whiskey to freen"

Becky:  Mom !

"Both parent are laughing"

Fast Forward

Becky already feels dizzy

Becky: Love can you take me my room? I just i have enough.

Freen assist becky to her room.

⚠️ Next episode is not good for below 18.
Read it with your own risk. 😂😅

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