FREEN? Who are you?

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In the middle of the night

Freen received a phone Call.


Man: I already have some details
That may lead us who is the mastermind.

Freen: Okay let talk about it tomorrow.

Man: Yes boss

Freen look at becky who peacefully sleeping..


Freen went to her company.
The news about Freen is alive spread immediately in their country.

"In the Office of "

Breaking news After more than a year Ms. Chankimha found alive with the other passengers.

Someone watching the news
He breaks the wine glass  and throw it on the television.



  Freen: Mr. Kim where it is?

Mr.Kim: Krystal? Come here.

Freen: What she's doing here? "Raise her eyebrows.

Mr Kim: Boss your dad hired her to check on you ,she follows you for almost 4 years wherever you go.

Krystal: I told you before Im the one who take good care of you. Baby opps Boss.

Mr.  Kim: Krystal you did your job well.

Freen: wow im impressed. But unbelievable.

Krystal: Don't you remember before the plane was finally crash  I was the one who gave you the parachute.. so thanks to me your alive .

Freen: so It was you.Nice but Im still not happy  what you did before.

Krystal: the thing, Do you like the view boss?

Freen: Lets go back to the topic.

Krystal: We need to go somewhere I would like you to meet someone. Boss

Mr. Kim and Freen follow Krystal..

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