I need you Freen

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Becky: sam put it down. This is not you.
"Trying to calm down"

Sam: This is me Becky
I give my Best to you but what you did you never appreciate it.

Becky: no Sam i was so thankful to have you.

Sam: So love me !

Becky: I can't!

Sam: so no one can have you too even freen!
I wonder how you taste like.

Becky: Sam ! Don't do this please .
"Begging tone"

Sam: you leave me no choice becky!

"Becky Shout for help"

Sam: Sorry becky in this island no one could hear you.

Sam Pull becky shirt!

Sam: Oh Damn you're so hot becky! "Smirk and still pointing the sharp object to becky.

Becky: Sam please put it down

Sam: if i do? promise me you'll behave?

Becky: Yes i promise but please don't kill me.

Sam slowly putting  down the sharp object.

And becky had a chance to kick his private part ang run away to the yatch.

Sam: you can run becky but you cant hide!!

The rain comes!

Becky run faster as she can! But unfortunately Sam is faster than becky.

When Sam catch becky.



Sam: Ha Ha Ha your night in shining armor is watching us from heaven don't worry i'll take you to the heaven  in my own way ! Becky.

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