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Freen prepared a beach dinner for becky..

Freen: becbec lets go outside and watch the sunset.

Becky: okay

They arrive

Becky: do really  dis this for me?
You pervert you really good at this. Maybe if you do this to other girls they will droll over your feet.

Freen: it was my first time bec.
Let take a sit.

Becky: Freen?

Freen: yes

Becky: Thankyou for everything

Freen:  No problem bec always remember I am always here for you.

Becky smile .

She lean her head to freen's Shoulder.

Becky: the sunset, the beach ,the air, and the one im with right now , everything so perfect Freen.
Thankyou so much .I don't know how to pay for all of this Freen

Freen: all i want is , just be happy becky..

Becky: I never expected this side of you Freen. Today I saw you a Freen that every Girl wanted to have.

Freen: Including You becky?

"Becky stay silent"

Freen: Becky?

Becky: Yes?

Freen: I like you bec

Becky: nice joke.

Freen: i really like you bec.

Becky: Freen that's not funny!

Freen: I do really like you becky not just now but from the day i meet you .

"Becky look at freen seriously "

Freen: the way you smile it always melt my heart
You voice even if you always shouting at me its like a sound of bird
You're presence always my comport zone even though you always hate me for being a jerk.
I want to take good care of you becky I can't let anyone could hurt you .
Becky I like you.
I love everything about you becky.
Believe me Im so into you.

Please let me show you how much i care for you
How much i need you
How much i love you becky.

Becky: Okay.

Freen was shocked and speechless

Becky: i said yes! Ill let you show me how much you really love me  if its real.

Freen smile like an idiot.

Becky: hey wake up"slap freen"

Freen: seriously? What about Sam?

Becky: the moment he broke my trust he also broke everything about us and beside sam and i are not in relationships right?

Freen: thankyou for the chance" hugs Becky"

Becky: this is your first and last chance freen. So let see.

Freen and Becky enjoy the Whole night..

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