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Freen slowly open her eyes and saw becky's face.

How lucky to have this  beautiful woman in my life "Freen thoughts"

Freen kiss becky's forehead.

Becky: Hmmmmp Love stop its still hurts.

Freen: Im sorry did I woke you up?

Becky nod.

Becky: Im hungry.

Freen: I'll prepare our meal just wait.

Freen went to the kitchen and prepare thier breakfast
After few minutes she's done and bring their foods at the room.

Becky: why did you bring it here you can just call me to go down there.

Freen: Really? Wiggles her eyebrows.

Becky: what's that look?

Freen: nothing , but try to stand up.

Becky: Aaaaaouch.

Freen laugh.
Freen: I thought you can go down.

Becky: It's your fault.

Freen: you were the one who for more.

Becky pout
Freen help becky to sit properly at the bed and try to feed becky.

Becky: Love I can still feed myself I'm not sick .

Freen: but

Becky: Just eat with me.

Freen: eat you ?

Becky: No ! Pervert

Freen: Joke hahahaha

Becky take the spoon and feed herself  freen did the same thing.

At the middle of their meal Freen talk about marriage.

But becky look not interested.

Freen: What you think love?

Becky just ignore Freen words ang focus eating her meal.

Freen:  Love?

Becky: Hmmp?

Freen: Lets get married?

Becky: Im done Love thankyou for the foods it taste really good.

Freen look sad .

Freen: Becky!

Becky: No.

Freen: Why?"teary eyes"

Becky: It no okay?

Freen: Why!!Becky?

Becky: are really thinking about marriage after what happened Freen? Did you forget about the it just yesterday we were just fighting for our life? Look at your wounds its still healing!
Don't be so naive Freen ! IT JUST YESTERDAY I KILLED SOMEONE!! 
Becky burst in tears.

Freen: Im sorry.

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