Mom and Dad

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Freen: becky?

Becky: yes?

Freen: What should I bring for your mother?

Becky: you don't have to bring anything.

Freen: Okay. Do I look presentable?

Becky: Yes.

Freen: what are the things your mom hates?

Becky: Hahaha why your acting so nervous? It is your first time?

Freen: Yes.

Becky: what about the family of your ex? You haven't meet them?

Freen: I've never been in a serious relationship.

Becky: Really?

Freen: I let myself to be committed with someone else before so everytime the invited me i always refuse.

Becky: Oh you don't have to go if you want.

Freen: I will .becky " smile sweety"

Fast Forward

"Becky' House"

Becky: Mom we're her.

Mom: Did you bring you Girlfriend? "Shouted from the kitchen "

Becky: she' not my girlfriend.

Freen: Ouch

Mom: Just wait there in the living room i'll just finish .

Few moments

Mom: becky  call you dad tell him that we're going to and your girlfriend is here
Becky: I told you she's not my girlfriend.

Mom: okay.

"Freen blush hard while listening to them"

"Becky call her dad
And  Mrs. Armstrong and freen stay in the living room.

Freen: Good evening mrs. Armstrong

Mom: just call me from now on Mom .
But just promise me take good care of my one only daughter .

Freen: Okay Mrs. Amrs
" Mrs. Armstrong raises her eyebrows"
I mean Okay Mom.

Mom: let go  let just wait them to the kitchen.

"Freen nodded ang follow's mrs. Armstrong"

"In the kitchen "

Mr. Armstrong: I heard that you like my daughter?

Freen: Yes sir and i really mean it.

Mr. : Are you going to marry my daughter?

Becky: dad she is my suitor not my girlfriend?

Mr. : Im talking to freen becky.

Freen: Yes sir

Mr.: Are you really sure to want to marry my daughter she will just give you a headache for the rest of your life .

Becky: Daaaad.

Mr.: Freen

Freen: I am very sure of your daughter sir. I already to her that she is the one I going to marry

Mr. : That's good bcoz if you never think about marrying my daughter i will not let you court my daughter anymore.
Your old enough you need to take seriously your relationship. If you start to step in you need to finish it being in a relationship is not a game.
If you have a plan to my daughter make sure that you make her feel the she the one i never raise my daughter just to play with you games. Okay?

Freen: Yes sir

Mrs:  You should listen what my husband told you freen. Becky  our  treasure.

Freen: Yes mom.

Mr. Mom?

Mrs: I told her to call me mom

Mr. In that case call me dad.

Freen: yes dad.

Becky: Mom Dad? Really? Are you just giving me to her?

Dad: why not ?

Becky: I told you that she not my girlfriend:

Mrs: but we know soon? Right?

Becky: Moooom.

Freen just listening while blushing so hard.

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