15. Umbridge's punishment

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Chapter Fifteen

I came out of Umbridge's office holding in my tears. The back of my hand throbbed. I will follow school rules, was carved into the raw skin of my hand. I slowly headed towards the astronomy tower where I was to meet Draco. I wondered if he knew about the sort of punishment Umbridge gave me. I couldn't help the anger that was inside of me for the fact that he was helping the awful women.
Draco was there waiting for me up the top of the tower, hand on the rails looking up at the stars. He had heard my footsteps behind him and turned around to face me.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly, he reached out for my hand and I just pulled it back behind me "let me see" . He insisted in a soft voice and I slowly put my hand out to him. He gently took it in his own hand and his thumb rubbed soothingly under where the words were engraved.
" I did ask her to give you another chance, she wouldn't allow it though. If i could have taken your place there i would have"
The tears that i had been holding back finally slipped down my cheeks and Draco let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his warm embrace. He didn't say anything, just held me. I didn't pull away and any anger i had towards him immediately disappeared. This was not his fault.
I wanted to stay in his embrace forever but knew it was time to head back to my common room. Before Umbridge found us again and I landed myself another detention.
"Can we meet again tomorrow night?" I asked him. I really wanted to spend some more time alone.
"i cannot tomorrow" Draco started " I have something on" he did not elaborate and I did not push as I just remembered i too had something on. Tomorrow night was the next DA meeting.
"I am sorry Allie" he began again, but i cut him off with a gentle kiss on his lips.
"It's okay Draco, everything is going to be okay"
Draco nodded and cupped my cheeks in his hands pressing his lips against mine one more time before we parted ways to head back to our own common rooms.
Lavender was waiting for me in the common room when I came through the fat ladies portrait. "You have been hours!" She exclaimed with a worried expression on her face "what did that bitch do to you?"
I held my hand up and showed lavender the damage and she clasped her hand over her mouth over dramatically. "Does it hurt?" She asked, her voice held concern.
"Not as much anymore" I said and put my hand back down.
Before we went up to bed I told Lavender about meeting with Draco and how he had said he did try get me out of the detention. Lavender just huffed when I said this and knew she did not believe him. But it didn't matter if she believed him or not. It only mattered that I did.
"Lets get some sleep" i said and headed for the stairs. I laid down on my bed and drew the curtains. In the dark i could see the glowing of my journal from under my pillow. I pulled it out and opened it up.
Goodnight beautiful. I love you xox
I smiled and scribbled a quick goodnight and I love you too back, then drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

The next day i hardly seen Draco at all. Only in classes but we did not have transfiguration that day so I sat with Lavender. In these moments I really wished we were not keeping our relationship a secret. What I wouldn't give to just sit next to him. Talk to him. Hold his hand whenever i pleased. I looked longingly over at him in charms. He caught my eye for a second, a slight smile tugged at his lips but then his attention turned to Pansy who was sitting next to him talking to him. I couldn't help the sudden pang of jealousy I got in my stomach as i watched her talk and smile at him. It should be me next to him.


"Ready to go?" Lavender asked me while we sat near the fire in the common room that night. I had sent Draco a message in my journal but he had not replied and I wondered what he was actually up to tonight.
"Yeah, hang on a second" I ran upstairs placing my journal back under my pillow and raced back down to meet Lavender and we left through the portrait to make our way to the room of requirement. It a few minutes longer to get there then If we had just gone straight there because we took a longer route. The route Hermione had given us this time. A different route every time as to not draw to much attention to ourselves and to split everyone up who is making their way there. We were one of the last to arrive.  Followed shortly by Neville who was last.
"I think that's everyone" Hermione said.
"Let's get started then" Harry said "today we are going to learn how to produce a patronus"
Everyone got very excited at this. This was the lesson everyone was most excited for.
Harry did a demonstration and his patronus flew out of his wand "for it to work you got to think of a memory that truly makes you happy" he was explaining
I immediately thought to the time I spent with Draco kissing on top of the astronomy tower under the stars and felt my cheeks slightly burn at the thought.  Luckily no one noticed.
"Alright everyone. Give it a try"

After 30 minutes of trying Hermione was the only other person other than Harry himself to produce a proper patronus. A lot of other people had created wisps from their wands but not a full patronus. I too had only created a wisp. It was harder than I imagined. I was just about to try again when a loud bang stopped me and everyone else.
"What was that?" Someone asked, i didn't know who. Everyone went dead quiet and then a bang sounded again and the walls shook.
Before we could reacted another blast broke a large whole in the wall, dust blew up from broken stone and through the haze we could see Umbridge standing there with her wand pointing towards us all. Behind her stood the whole Inquisitorial squad.
"Run" Harry yelled and we all didn't hesitate to make for the door.
"Get them" Umbridge yelled and fast footsteps approached from behind.


Thank you too all who comment and vote. I appreciate you all ❤️

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