5. Lies

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Chapter Five

I dragged my feet all the way to Defence Against the Dark Arts. I was beginning to hate this class more than potions with Snape. At least in Snape's class, we actually got to do something. All we have been doing in Professor Umbridge's class in reading a first year's basic guide to Defence Against the Dark Arts. We are not even allowed to get out our wands at all. No magic whatsoever.

"Well at least we got a DA meeting tonight" Lavender whispered to me, to cheer me up. It didn't work however, because I realised straight away I wouldn't get to have my usual night time talk with Journal boy or S.A or whatever name Lavender wanted to call him. I really wished I just knew his real name, even an initial. It would make it easier if I had something to call him. He wouldn't even tell me an initial. He didn't want to risk giving away that big of a clue.

"Take your seats, hurry" Professor Umbridge's sickly sweet voice greeted us as we entered her classroom.

Lavender and I went to the back of the classroom and took a seat. This was the only classroom that we purposely sat at the back far away from the teacher as possible.

We pulled out our textbooks. I left my journal in my bag. There was no way I was risking getting that confiscated by Professor Umbridge. A detention with Umbridge was not something you wanted at all.

Class felt like it dragged on forever. Lavender and I don't dare utter a word in this class. By the time it was finally over, everyone was rushing out the door to the exit.

"Not you, Potter. I would like a word" Professor Umbridge held out her hand, stopping Harry from leaving.

I side stepped around Harry and Umbridge to quickly get to the exit. I gave him a nervous glance before I left, which he returned.

"Poor Harry. She really has it in for him" I told Lavender. "Come on, let's have lunch. We got Transfiguration after"

"Yeah. I hate that we don't get to sit together anymore" Lavender pouted.

"Well at least you just have to sit by yourself, I'm the one stuck next to Malfoy" I groaned. That's when I noticed Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle walking right past us.

I cringed and whispered to Lavender "Do you think he heard me?"

Just at that moment Draco turned his head and looked over his shoulder directly at me, no readable expression on his face. But it made me nervous nonetheless. He turned back and looked forwards again, walking quickly with the rest of the Slytherins.

"I think he did" Lavender held back her laugh "You're in trouble now"

"Oh, shut it!" I shoved her playfully.

"No seriously though" Her voice suddenly held a serious tone "I'd watch yourself with him. I heard he was picked to be in Professor Umbridge's little squad. He can take house points away and give out detentions."

I gulped nervously. "Wish you had told me that earlier. Would of kept my mouth shut"

She shrugged and laughed "Well, I'm telling you now. Better be extra nice to him next class"

Harry joined the rest of the Gryffindors for lunch 15 minutes later. He sat down next to Hermione and Ron and began to whisper to them about something. I was super curious to what he was saying and what happened in Umbridge's office. By the look on Hermione's face after Harry had finished speaking, I could tell whatever it was, it was serious.

After lunch I walked quickly to catch up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Lavender followed closely behind me.

"Hey Harry" I spoke in a hush voice when I caught up "What happened with Umbridge?"

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