11. I was right

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Hey!!! I'm so so so sorry for the long update, anxiety been kicking my butt lately and making it hard to write. Please forgive me! I'm in good spirits now with Christmas nearly here. Will use this time to get a few more chapters out for you all <3

Chapter Eleven

There he was, sitting at our table already when I walked into Transfiguration. I walked slowly to my seat, Malfoy's head was looking down at a book on the table and he didn't take notice as I took my seat next to him. I half expected him to look at me, to say something...anything. But he didn't, he continued to stare down at his book. I would peak to the side every now and then, but his eyes stayed fixated down at his book. Like he was too embarrassed to face me. A few minutes later I realized he hadn't turned the page of his book at all. He was either a very slow reader, or he was only pretending to read to avoid having any contact with me.

Professor McGonagall started the class, and from the front seat, I could see Lavender peaking over her shoulder at me. She had her eyebrows raised in a questioning look, she nudged her head to the side at Malfoy, as if to tell me to talk to him.

I shrugged my shoulders slightly as if to say, I don't know what to say to him. I could see Lavender sigh in annoyance before she turned her head back around to face the front.

"That page must be very interesting" I whispered, my voice came out kind of strained like I had struggled to speak. My stomach tightened with nerves as I couldn't believe I had just said something to him. He didn't say anything back or react in any way. At first, I thought maybe I whispered it too quiet and he hadn't heard me. But with a suddenly annoyed flick of his wand, his book turned to the next page, and he still did not look at me.

"Couldn't you just use your hand to do that?" I was slightly amused.

He finally turned his head to look at me. His eyes staring into mine. He didn't say anything, he just held my gaze. It made me nervous and I couldn't tell what was going through his head.

"Um...Did you get my last message?" I asked him.

He gave a small nod, holding my gaze. My breath caught in my chest. So he just admitted it, it really was him.

"I'm guessing you didn't read my reply yet?" He finally spoke to me. His voice was soft and calm. Now I really wish I had brought the journal with me. I shook my head no.

"You need to read it," He whispered, and looked away from me back to the book he was not really reading. I wanted to ask him what he had said, but If he really wanted to tell me right now he would have.

We didn't speak to each other for the rest of the class. We did our work in silence, but every now and then I would peak a look at him. Wondering what message awaits me after class.

"Are you coming to the hall for lunch?" Lavender asked when she noticed I was heading in the wrong direction after class.

"No, you go ahead without me. I got something I need to do" I rushed off ahead, leaving Lavender behind me.

"Ok" She yelled out after my hurrying self, as I made my way fast down the corridor, heading towards the Gryffindor tower.

As soon as I entered through the fat lady's portrait, I rushed up the stairs to the girl's dormitories and went straight to the 5th year girl's room. I went straight over to my bed and pulled the glowing journal from under my pillow. I felt sick to my stomach at all the possibilities of what he could have said, at what was waiting for me behind the cover.

I sat on the edge of my bed and with trembling fingers, I flipped open my journal and his words appeared before my eyes.

Allie, if you really have figured out who I am, then you probably hate me right now. I'm sorry to have deceived you. But I wanted you to get to know me for me, and not how everyone else sees me. I did intend to eventually tell you who I was, but It just got harder and harder and I feared losing you if you knew the truth.

Please forgive me, everything I ever said to you was real. I do love you.

I couldn't help the smile that came to my face after reading his words. It explains why he was too embarrassed to face me in transfiguration. I doubt writing this would have been easy for him, especially now when I know who he is.

I felt nervous and excited and confused all at once. What now? I have been dating Draco Malfoy for a couple of months now. Does he want to continue dating me? The idea of it seemed really weird. The idea of casually walking down the hall, holding Malfoy's hand seemed an impossible idea. What if he wanted to continue to only date in secret through the journal just like we have been. I don't know if I could do that, now I know who he is. I'm sure Lavender is not going to be happy with the idea of me dating him in any way, nor will anyone else in our house.

I grabbed my quill and looked down at the journal. I needed to reply to him either way. But what do I say? One thing I know for sure, I have feelings for him and they were not going anywhere any time soon.


wow, writing his first name felt really weird.

I understand why you didn't tell me, but I really wished you had told me yourself instead of me having to find out the way I did.

I still want to talk to you. I'm not sure where we go from here. Did you want to talk to me in person?

I kept it simple. I would much rather figure out the next step face to face if he was willing to as well. I knew it was probably going to be awkward as hell to meet up.

I closed the journal and sat on my bed staring at it. I was too nervous to eat, so I did not bother to go down to the great hall for lunch. I wondered if he was there having lunch there right now. I would have to ask Lavender later if she saw him.

My journal started glowing on my lap, he had replied back already.

Let's meet...tonight at the astronomy tower.

A smile appeared on my face. This was it, we were going to meet, alone... and best of all, without a blindfold.

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