3. In trouble

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Chapter Three

Lavender woke me up bright and early the next morning. Her face was so close to mine and she wore a goofy grin on her face. "Tell me all about it" She demanded.

I put my hand to her chest and gave her a gentle shove back "You woke me up for that?" I grumbled.

"That and it is a school day. You need to get up and get ready for the day"

I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Well?" She asked, clearly annoyed at my lack of enthusiasm.

"Well, what?" I grumbled. So badly wanting to pull the covers over my head and just go back to sleep.

"What did you and Journal boy talk about?"

I pulled back my blankets, stretching, and getting out of bed. Parvati was just sitting up from her bed, and Hermione's bed was empty and already made fresh. She was always long gone in the morning before I ever got up.

"I just said goodnight to him," I told her with a little shrug, "Nothing exciting happened without you"

"Well if anything 'exciting' does happen, I better be the first to know" she warned me with a devilish smile.

"Of course. What are best friends for?" I laughed.

We got ready for the day, and I gathered my school supplies. I went and fetched my journal from under my pillow before we left to have breakfast before class. I smiled to see the glow, informing me there was already a message waiting for me.

Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well xox

I blushed at the written hugs and kisses at the end of his message. "That's so cute" Lavender squealed in my ear from behind me, causing me to jump in freight.

"Lavender!" I yelled at her "Don't sneak up on me like that"

I thought she had already headed downstairs to the common room, but I was a fool to think she would let me have a moment of privacy.

"Sorry" She stepped in front of me "So what are you going to say back?"

"Good morning, I guess"

She sighed "So boring.

I frowned and put my quill to the page.

Good morning. I did sleep well thank you. I hoped you did too.

"Don't forget the hugs and kisses!" Lavender demanded.

I rolled my eyes and nervously put my quill back to the page and added to the end of my message.


"Good" She smiled "So are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend now that you guys are practically making out through words?" She said enthusiastically.

I ignored her and tucked the journal in my school bag "Come on, let's go eat before class"


First-class of the day was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. Lavender and I took our usual seats on the side closest to the door. When we sat Professor McGonagall gave us her usual 'don't talk in my class or else look'

Lavender seemed to have missed the look today, because she kept nudging me with her elbow and leaning in close to me to whisper questions.

"You should ask Journal Boy on a date"

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