2. Secret Journal

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Chapter Two

It was officially the end of valentines day. There were some new romances that bloomed and some hearts broken, but I enjoyed the day like I did every year. I sat on my bed and smiled at the perfect red rose that still sat on my bedside dresser. I sighed with a little disappointment that I did not find out who had sent me it.

I had hoped my secret admirer would have approached me in private throughout the day. I even tried to stay away from big crowds in the hopes to lure him out. It never worked though, and I was more curious than ever to who it could be.

I reached under my pillow and pulled out my new journal. The whole book had a faint gold glow radiating from it. I looked at it suspiciously. I was sure it had not been doing this earlier. I opened the book up and on the first page I saw some handwriting

I hope you loved your rose

I stared down at the writing wide eyed. I was sure there had not been writing in the book this morning when I flipped through. Maybe I had missed it. I closed the book again, and saw the book had stopped glowing when I did.

I opened the book once again to the first page, and was surprised to see the writing that had been there only a few moments ago had vanished.

This was all very strange. I closed the book up again as I heard someone enter the room. I looked up and saw it was only Lavender.

"So did you talk to Ron yet?" I asked. She shook her head and came over and sat down next to me with a big sigh.

"No" She grumbled "He is always with Harry and Hermione. I want to wait until he is alone" She looked at the journal in my arms. "Why is your book glowing?" She asked.

I looked back down at my book and saw it was indeed glowing again. I quickly opened up the book and found writing in the book once again, but this time it was a new message.

I'm sorry if I embarrassed you by sending it with the morning mail infront of everyone.

"Oh he is writing to you" Lavender jumped up excitedly " Did he tell you who he is yet?"

I stared down at the writing in the book "What do you mean he's writing to me. How?"

Lavender took the book from my hands and started examining it "I heard about these books before. Each book comes in a pair and the two people who own each book can write to each other and the message will go through immediately. So you don't have to rely on owls to get messages across fast. They are suppose to be really expensive though"

I took the book back amazed "Seriously? Are you sure?"

"Well there is only one way to find out" Lavender got up and grabbed my quill of my bedside dresser and handed to me "Write something back"

I took the quill in my hand and stared down at the book "What should I write?" I asked her.

She shrugged "I don't know...Hi"

I put my quil to the page and quickly scribbled my message on it.


Lavender frowned down at my single word "Well write a little more than that. That sounds super lame"

I glared at her "You're the one who told me to write it"

We stopped arguing when a new message replaced my 'hi'

Hi Allie. So, did you like your gift? :)

I realised Lavender was right about this journal. It was no secret diary, it was a two way book to send messages and my secret admirer was on the other end. I put my quill back to the paper and began to write.

The rose was beautiful. Thank you. Why did you not write who it was from in the card? What is your name?

Lavender was sitting on my bed silently next to me, her chin practically on my shoulder as she watched closely waiting for the next reply. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I was excited to be talking to him, whoever he was. I really hoped he would tell me his name. I began to wonder if maybe it was someone I already knew quite well. I mainly only talked to the gryffindors in my own year though, so if it was a boy from any other house or year, I might know them by name, but that would be about it. There was a couple minutes before the reply finally showed up in my book. It felt like I had been holding my breath the whole time. I guessed they were deciding on whether to tell me who they were or not.

I want to get to know you first, before I tell you my name. I hope that is ok. I just want you to take a chance to know me as a person, not as a name or face.

I had to admit I was a little disappointed that they would not tell me who it was. I could tell by Lavender's groan next to me, that she too was disappointed.

The door to our bedroom opened and Hermione and Parvati, the other 5th year girls entered our dorm room.

"He Allie" Parvati walked over to us "Did you find out who sent you that beautiful rose yet?" She asked with a dreamy smile.

I closed my journal, preventing her from being able to see the message inside. "No" I replied "No idea who sent it"

"It's so romantic though don't you think?" Hermione came over and joined us. The three girls all stood in front of my dresser staring down dreamily at my perfect rose. "It's enchanted, you know," Hermione added.

"What is?" I asked. Thinking she may know about my two way journal.

"The rose of course" She smiled "It won't ever shrivel or wilt, it will stay perfect like that forever"

I didn't bother asking how she knew that. Hermione seemed to know everything about magic, so I just believed what she said to be true.

Parvarti and Hermione said goodnight to Lavender and I, and went to their own beds.

"Are you going to reply to Journal Boy?" Lavender whispered to me when the other girls were out of earshot.

"Journal Boy? I asked, amused with eyebrows raised.

Lavender shrugged "Well, we need to call him something since he won't tell you his name. I was thinking Rose Boy...But I thought Journal Boy sounded a little better"

I let out a small giggle "Call him what you want" I placed the journal under my pillow again and saw Lavender's face fall in disappointment.

"Are you not going to talk to him?"

"Time for sleep" I grinned, knowing she was annoyed not to be peeping in on anymore of my conversation "Good night Lavender" I declared.

"Oh you're no fun" She huffed. She got off my bed and walked over to her own bed "Don't stay up too late" She winked at me before closing the curtains around her bed.

I closed my own curtains and smiled to finally be alone now. I lit my wand and pulled out the journal. I opened it up and replied to his last message.

I'm ok if you want to keep your identity a secret. For now at least while we get to know each other. But I would really love to talk to you sometime soon in person as well.

Sleep well.

I placed the journal back under my pillow and went to sleep with a big smile on my face.


Here is the next chapter. I will be updating  this fic 1-2 times a week. Please don't forget to vote and comment, and add it to your reading list, so you get notified when the next chapter is out. 

Bye xx

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