4. Detention

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Ok, so I didn't plan on finishing this chapter today, but I smashed it out because....It's Tom Felton's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm Aussie, so it's officially the 22nd right now)

Just had to post a chapter for his birthday. Hope you all enjoy :D

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Chapter four

"That was kind of strange, don't you think?" Lavender asked me as we walked to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Hmm," I nodded and agreed, having no idea what she is talking about. She continued to talk and I was too busy peering down into my bag where I could see the gentle glow of my journal. I really wanted to pull it out right now and read it, but I thought I would wait until I was at least sitting at the Gryffindor table for lunch.

Lavender and I took our seat and then she turned and frowned at me "You haven't been listening to a word I have been saying? Have you?"

"Sure I have" I pulled out my journal and flipped open to read his message.

I"m really sorry that happened to you. I'm sure it won't be too bad. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I had a strict teacher, and didn't want to risk getting my book taken from me.

"Oh yeah, what was I saying then?" Lavender huffed.

"Something was strange" I shrugged.

Lavender rolled her eyes "I said it strange that Malfoy actually gave you your stuff. I mean he is Malfoy, why didn't he just leave it? Or steal it, or chuck it in the trash?"

I closed my journal deciding I would reply back after lunch. I placed it on my lap. Almost all the school was here now for lunch.

"I don't know Lavender. Does it matter?"

She didn't reply as she just noticed Ron sit across from us with Hermione and Harry.

"Hi Ron," She giggled, smiling at him. I felt like face palming myself. Could she be anymore obvious?

"Uh Hi," Ron relied, then went straight to ignoring her to talk to his friends. I could see Lavender's face dropped, and I felt sorry for her.

My journal began to glow in my lap and I almost jumped with surprise. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me here. He was probably sitting in the hall somewhere right now for lunch. I couldn't help the big smile that came to my face when I thought of him talking to me while we were in the same room. I opened it up and straight away I felt my smile drop when I read his words.

Didn't you say you had detention at lunch?

"Oh, no" I gasped, getting up off my seat.

"What is it?" Lavender asked, surprised.

"I'm late for my detention with McGonagall" I yelled as I ran all the way out of the hall. I heard a few laughs coming from people who had heard me.

I was completely out of breath by the time I got to Professor McGonagall's classroom. She was sitting at her desk frowning when she saw me enter.

"So.rr.y. I'm..La..te" I tried to get out through very heavy breaths.

"Take your seat please"

I went and sat at my new seat at the back of the classroom. And placed my bag down. I could still feel my heart thumping hard in my chest.

"Detention will begin now. Please write your lines quietly. I have papers to mark"


At the end of the day I could finally pull out my journal and talk to him. I sat on my bed. I was the only one in the dorm room. All the other girls were still down in the common room and probably wouldn't be coming up to bed for at least another hour.

Thanks for reminding me about my detention. You saved me there.

I sat and watched the page waiting for a reply. I really hoped he would be able to get away for a little bit and talk. I could have jumped with joy when he replied less than a minute later.

Happy to help. You didn't get in trouble for being late did you?

I hated that we didn't get to talk today. I missed you.

I felt my cheeks heat up a little when he had said he missed me. I smiled and replied back.

No I didn't get in more trouble, luckily I wasn't too late. I really missed talking to you too today. Maybe we could meet up in person sometime soon?"

I already knew he would not agree to that just yet. And maybe I was being pushy by suggesting it. But I really wanted to meet him and know who he was. His reply took a little longer than last time and I knew he was probably thinking of how to nicely reject meeting up with me.

We will meet eventually, I promise. I just really want us to get to know eachother like this first

I sighed with disappointment, even though I knew his reply would be something like that. I wondered why he wouldn't want me yet. Maybe he was really shy, and not so good talking face to face. I began to wonder what year he was in. Maybe he would at least tell me that. I don't want to be getting to know some little 1st year with a crush this way. Although just by the way he talked to me It really did not feel like he would be that young. He had a mature way of writing to me.

Can you at least tell me what year you are in, and maybe even what house?

"Please, please tell me" I mumbled to myself waiting for his reply. I need to know something. A few minutes went by before his reply came through.

I'm not younger than you. But I won't tell you what year just yet. As for house, the only hint you're getting is I'm not in your house. Sorry beautiful, that is all I can say for now <3

I sighed. So that means he is either a 5th, 6th or 7th year, and in either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Maybe slim chance Slytherin, but I was very much doubting that since Gryffindor and Slytherins are known enemies.

We continued to talk until it was time for bed. I did find out that he really loved Quidditch. He liked to talk about that a lot. He even told me he went to the world cup last year. But most of the time he would ask questions about me, and the things I liked.

It was late and all the other girls had already come up to bed and fallen asleep by the time we had finished talking.

Lavender came for a peek at what we were talking about before I shooed her off to her own bed. She left with a pout, but I knew she was just playing around.

Goodnight beautiful xox

His last message came through before I fell asleep with a happy heart.


Next chapter will be out in a couple days. Please vote and comment

bye xx

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