18. School Holidays

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Chapter Eighteen

The holidays went by slow. The first few weeks Draco would talk to me every night in our journals, but he started to reply less and less until eventually he stopped replying at all. My words would still be in the journal that I had sent him. Asking if he ok, if i have done something wrong, or if he still even loves me. But the words would not disappear, meaning he was not even reading what I was sending. My heart broke and I spent most of my time locked up in my room. My parents were worried about me, but I would just lie saying I was stressed about getting my OWLs results back.
After a few more weeks I gave up trying to even talk to Draco. I chucked my journal into my school truck where it stayed for the rest of the holidays.
A week out from the start of school my OWLs came. I did very well in most my classes. I also got my supply list for the new year and my mother said she would take me into Diagon ally the next day to purchase them.
"We have to be quick, no time to stop and look around. It so dangerous to be out these days" My mother told me as we entered the ally. It was the quietest i had ever seen it. Many shops had there windows boarded up with a sign closed at the front. It was so sad to see this once happy place filled with fear. We had gotten most of my stuff just my books to go.
"Hey Ally" a voice behind called. It was Hermione, she was with Ron and Harry. "Are you going to go check out Fred and Georges joke shop while you are here?" She asked.
"I don't think we have time for that" my mother interrupted. I could tell she was on edge being here, and she really just wanted to return home as soon as possible.
"Well if you get time, you should check it out. Its really good. The only good thing about this place at the moment" Ron said looking around at the dark boarded shops with a gloomy look on his face.
I nodded as they left. My Mother grabbed my arm and started walking me towards the book shop. We went in and my mother started looking around for all the books i needed. I stared out the window at the empty street. It was then that i spotted Draco. He was walking alone, he went right past the shop window. He looked like he was in a hurry. I tuned back to see my mother busy amongst the shelves and quickly ducked out the front door of the shop. "Draco" I called.
Draco stopped walking and turned around to look at me. He didn't meet my eyes and didn't say a thing. "Why haven't you been replying back?" I asked him.
"Ive been busy" he replied, he was still avoiding looking me in the eye. Maybe because he felt guilty for not replying, or maybe because he was hiding something and he did not want me to tell from the look in his eyes.
"I have something I need to do. I will talk to you at school Ally" He turned to leave, but I refused to let him leave like this. My heart was aching from coldness he was giving me. I ran and quickly grabbed his arm preventing him fro leaving. He gasped loudly and pulled his arm roughly out of my grasp.
"What do you think you are doing?" He spat harshly at me while he rubbed his arm. I didn't think I had grabbed him that hard. I was lost for words. Why was he acting this way.
Draco finally looked me in the eyes, just as tears began to build up in mine. His hard look softened and he reached his hand out and cupped my cheek "I'm sorry' he whispered "Ive just been stressed, I got something I need to do, but i promise everything will be alright once we are back at school" he leaned in and kiss my cheek. He then turned and left back up the ally in a hurry once again.
I touched the spot on my cheek where he had kissed me, already missing the warmth of his lips. Something was not right with Draco, he was not his usual self, but I had no idea why. I just only hoped he would trust me enough to confide in me when we got back to school.
"Ally, there you are!" My mother loud worried voice came from behind me. She was standing in the shop door with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face "I was worried half to death when i realised you were not in the store. What are you doing out here?"
"Was just talking to a....friend" i said the last bit so softly, that I don't think she even heard me.
"Its time to get out of here. We got everything. Come on"
I stopped starring off in the distance where Draco had disappeared around a corner and turned and followed my mother.

The last week of holidays dragged on. I had never wanted to hurry and get back to school as much as i did right now. I really had to see Draco and find out what is going on with him. I missed him terribly. But by the way he had acted when i saw him, I was starting doubt if he even missed me at all.


Lavender was waiting in a compartment for me on the Hogwarts express. She greeted me and pulled me into a hug. "It feels like i haven't seen you in forever" She groaned.
"I know the feeling" I said smiling and hugging her back.
We sat down and she began to tell me about her holidays. When she asked how mine was i just gave a fake smile and said "It was fine" I really did not feel like talking about the way Draco had been during the Holidays just yet. I needed to talk to him first. See what he has to say for himself.

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