8. First kiss

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Chapter Eight

I was so excited and yet so nervous. He had agreed to meet me tonight at the astronomy tower. Lavender and I sat and talked excitedly on my bed in whispers waiting for the other girls in our dorm to fall asleep before I could sneak off.

"What if it's a girl" She giggled quietly "That's why he won't tell you who he is"

I smile and shrug "I really don't think it's a girl. I can just tell by the way he talks. He feels like a... He" I tried to explain.

"Ok, but you should really be careful, could be some ugly Slytherin boy...Like Crabbe or Goyle" She pretended to vomit at the thought.

"It's not" I promised her.

"How do you know?"

"Because he is way too intelligent, kind and funny to be Crabbe or Goyle" I sigh dreamily and lay back across my bed and look up at the roof canopy of my bed. The slight glow of my journal pulled me out of my daydream state, and I excitedly grabbed it from beside me.

"Oh, what did he say?" Lavender looked over my shoulder at my journal excitedly.

I opened it up, and there in his writing it said.

"Everyone is asleep here. Just waiting on you baby. Let me know when you are ready to meet."

I peered over at Hermione and Parvati. They both seemed to be asleep. I nodded excitedly at Lavender and grabbed my quil and began to reply.

"I'm ready to leave now. I'll be uptop the tower in 10 minutes. Xox"

"I better go now," I told Lavender. I held my journal and quill in one hand and went over to my nightstand and pulled out my school tie.

"What's that for?" Lavender asked suspiciously, eyeing off the tie in my hands.

"My blindfold" I reminded her, and tucked it into my pocket. "Don't wait up for me" I smiled before tip-toeing out of the room. I however knew she would be wide awake when I got back, wanting all the details of what happened.

I peered around the corner of the bottom of the stairs, and to my relief the common room was empty. I made my way to the fat lady's portrait and swung it open. The fat lady huffed in annoyance as I had seemed to woken her up. I ignored her rude comments, and made my way quickly down the corridor and out of sight.

I was a little out of breath by the time I had made my way up to the top of the astronomy tower. I knew this was a risk, being out after curfew, especially with Umbridge in the school. I knew what happens when you get a detention with her, I had seen Harry's hand after his last one.

I breathed in and out heavily when I reached the top. I lean against the wall and look out at the stars sparkling brightly against the dark night sky. It was beautiful, I only wished he was right here as well to enjoy it with me.

Like it was on queue my book started to glow. I opened it up and read his words.

"I'm nearly there. Blindfold on now please baby. And promise me you won't peek?"

I pulled out my tie from my pocket and held it in my hand. I quickly replied back first.

"I promise I won't peek. You can trust me" I really wish I didn't have to do it this way, but I really wanted this no matter what.

"Ok. Are you sure about this? If you have changed your mind, I will understand"

"I'm sure. I'm putting on the blindfold now"

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