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Chapter Seventeen

Relief washed over all of us when we got the news that we would only be having detention and not getting expelled. Dumbledore had taken responsibility and said he formed the secret club getting us off the hook a bit. Although I was not really looking forward to having another detention with Umbridge.
I sat up in my bed that night with my journal opened. I told Draco the good news.

I'm so glad that you are not getting expelled Allie. But please promise me you won't be joining in on anymore groups. You stay away from that Potter, he will cause you nothing but trouble

I replied back

I promise I won't be joining anymore. I will just lay low for now on.

Draco and I were still keeping our relationship a secret, the only other person who knew was Lavender. I wondered if Draco has told any of his friends about me. Obviously Pansy doesn't know. If she did i would be receiving a lot more death glares from her.
When the weekend arrived and no more classes were on, I spent the first half of the day in Professor Umbridge's Class with the rest of the DA "writing lines"
Hermione had given us all some healing cream for our hands after wards. I thanked her applying it to my raw and tender skin on the back of my hand.
After i said farewell to Lavender and left to go meet up with Draco. I found him already waiting for me up the astronomy tower. No one else was around.
"Hey" I greeted him as i approached from behind. Draco turned around and smiled at me
"Hey" he said back and pulled me into his embrace "How is your hand?"
"It will be ok" I reassured him. He reached out and cupped my cheek with his hand, stroking it gently with his thumb.
"The year is nearly over, we won't get to see each other for 3 months" Draco said sadly.
"We will still be able to talk through our journals though won't we?" I asked. The idea of being away from him for 3 whole months made me feel a strong ache inside my chest. I hated being away from him for a few days when we don't get a chance to meet up, but 3 months would be torture.
"Of course" he smiled, but it faltered a little "I will do my best to talk to you when I can, but i will be pretty busy when I am back home"
"Busy with what?" I asked curiously, but felt a little guilty for maybe being too nosey.
"Just family stuff" Draco replied and didn't elaborate. I didn't push for more information. I had a feeling maybe I wouldn't like the answers. I know Draco family are on you know who's side, and if Harry is really telling the truth about him having returned the previous year, then my guess is that Draco and his family would be working for him. But surely not Draco himself, he is just a teenager.
"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked after a few minutes of no words spoken.
"Just how much Im going to miss you"
"I will miss you too" Draco leaned in pressing his lips against my own.
"Are we still going to be doing this next year Draco? Still keeping us a secret?" I asked sadly after we parted lips.
"We will see how things are then, okay?"
I nodded and hugged him, resting my head against his chest, feeling his warmth surround me and the gentle beat of his heart soothe me. It was going to be a long 3 months that's for sure.
The last few weeks of the school came and went by so quickly. Draco and I would try meet up as much as we could in our free time, but with the OWLs and needing most of our free time for study, it was way less often than I would have liked. Also Draco seemed to be spending more time with Umbridge and her squad. After our exams I really wanted to approach Draco and ask how he think he went. I wanted to know what subjects he was hoping to do next year. But we did not get a chance to see each other, so I had to wait until I could talk to him through our journals.
The last day finally came, Dumbledore was back. Umbridge was gone and everyone knew the truth that Harry was indeed not lying about the return of he who must not be named. As Dumbledore told the school about what had gone on at the ministry with Harry and he who must not be named, I looked over to the Slytherin table my eyes on Draco who did not seem phased at all about the news that he had returned. In fact he was smirking at the news and small unsettling shiver ran down my spine.
I knew deep in my heart Draco is not a bad person and he is being mislead by his family. I just hoped he wouldn't get pulled further down into the darkness now that He who must not be named has returned.
I didn't even get to see Draco before we all got on the train for the return ride to London. I passed him with Lavender in the train hall and our arms brushed. I knew he had done this on purpose. He entered a compartment with his friends and I continued further down with Lavender until we found our own compartment. We took our seats and Lavender could see the sadness in my eyes.
"you know if he really loves you, he wouldn't want to keep you a secret" she said seriously.
"Who loves her?" Pavarti asked as her and Padma entered our compartment.
"No one" Lavender and I said together fast.
We did not mention Draco again for the rest of the train ride. When we got to the station Lavender hugged me and waved goodbye as she left with her family. I spotted Draco approaching his Mother and Father on the station to leave,  but he did not even turn to look at me.
I left with my own parents, sadness washing over me.


Hope you enjoyed the story so far

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