1. What?

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A/N: Cannon Divergence: This story starts when KinnPorsche are in the happy secret dating stage.
I.e after Vegas' attempt on Porsche in the bathroom but before Tawan starts appearing.
So like start of episode 8.

Enjoy :)

Pete wakes up to the sound of...nothing

Why hadn't his alarm gone off yet?

He felt like he'd slept for ages, but the obnoxious sound had yet to fill his ears.

He kept his face buried in the pillow, flailing his arm out to reach for his phone so he could check the time. He tries to feel out the table, but all his hand touches are the soft bed sheets.


Did his bed grow overnight?

Did he end up sleeping in Khun's bed again?

He was too disoriented for first thing in the morning, so he reluctantly pushed himself up from his comfortable position and focused on his surroundings in the hope of finding his phone.

As he took in the bed he was sat in he realised this was definitely not his bed. As he looked around the room, he realised this was definitely not Khun's bed either.

Where the fuck was he?

They were drinking last night, sure, but he didn't think he got that drunk. However his unfamiliar surroundings begged to differ, seeing as he was clearly in a stranger's bed with no recollection as to how he ended up there.

He inspected his attire. Silk pyjamas?

These definitely weren't his.

Had he really slept with someone last night? Well at least they had the decency to give him some clothes before they abandoned him in bed the next morning.

He had to get home, Khun was going to kill him for abandoning the group to get laid. Although strangely, Pete didn't feel like he'd got laid last night. Now that he thought about it, his hangover seems non-existent as well, which was weird since he was clearly experiencing the memory loss that would usually accompany it.


The goal now was getting home before Khun found out he had disappeared.

He climbed out of bed. Wow these pyjamas are soft. They flowed so nicely over his skin that he almost didn't want to take them off. He debated if he could just take them with him. He wanted to, but he realised they were probably a bit expensive to take as a souvenir.

Pete wandered to the bathroom, lazily standing over the toilet and pulling his silky pants down just enough to poke his cock out so he could have his morning piss.

His cock felt strange, heavier than usual.

Whatever. He was probably just desperate for a piss after all the alcohol he had consumed last night.

Once he was done, he shook himself dry and tucked himself away. Flushing the toilet and moving over to the sink to wash his hands. He noticed the soap was fancy soap, he brought his hands to his face to catch its scent, it was nicely fragrant but not overpowering. Once he had washed his hands, he grabbed the hand towel before looking up into the mirror.

"Khun Vegas! " Pete chokes out in surprise, head snapping to look behind him, but only being met with the bathroom wall.

He turned back to the mirror, looking at himself or, distinctly lack thereof. The only person he could see was Vegas looking back at him with a bewildered expression, wearing the same silk pyjamas as he was.

VegasPete : Trading FacesWhere stories live. Discover now