11. Betrayal

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Pete returned to the minor family house after a couple of days alone in the safehouse. He never thought he would come to miss the minor family house, but Pete found that even overanalyzing his every move in that house was much more enjoyable than the complete isolation at the safehouse.

Now he had Macau to keep him company again, and things to do to keep his mind off the thoughts in his head.

That didn't stop his thoughts though, as much like the object of his attention, they were stubborn and persistent.


During his time alone, Pete had come to the realisation that at some point along this weird road they had been travelling together, he had started to feel different towards the minor family heir.

He wasn't sure when exactly, but he knew if he compared how he initially dreaded having to spend so much time with Vegas, to now, when he seemed more than content to masturbate to the thought of him, something had definitely changed.

Pete was contemplating it a lot.

Was it purely sexual?

Vegas was hot, and Pete had been in a dry spell for a long time. It's not like he had many opportunities for sex without complications when he worked at the main family. Khun rarely left the house before Porsche showed up, so he wasn't exactly out meeting people very often.

But as Pete contemplated the thought, he realised, yes he would let Vegas fuck him. But would that be enough?

Pete didn't like the idea of switching back, fucking and then going their seperate ways.

No. He couldn't let Vegas go, not after everything.

He liked spending time with Vegas. He could be himself, instead of the muted version that he always presented at work. Vegas didn't talk to him like an employee anymore, he spoke to him like a friend, but even that didn't sound right. Vegas felt different to his other friends.

Pete tried to imagine a life without Vegas in it, and he couldn't. He didn't want to go back to the way things were before the switch.

He wanted to stay with Vegas, laugh with Vegas, cry with Vegas. Everything.

Pete dwelled on his thoughts for a few days. This was not something to rush into. He couldn't go broadcasting his new revelation to Vegas. No, that was a bad idea. They had to switch back first. Then, if he got rejected, he could avoid him like the plague.

Pete could think of nothing worse than getting his heart ripped out and then having to go back to living Vegas' life like nothing happened.


Pete was looking through the mountain of paperwork that had appeared on his desk during his time away, when a bodyguard came to fetch him. Apparently Gun had asked to see him. Pete's jaw clenched, the bruises were finally starting to fade. He wished he wouldn't get beaten today, but very rarely did Pete escape one of Gun's meetings without at least a slap.

"Vegas" Gun looks at him as he enters his office. He was sitting with a cigar, casually reclined in his chair with a smile on his face.

"Yes father" Pete greets him.

"Korn is dead" he grins.

"Dead?" Pete's eyes widen. Khun Korn is dead? How? Why?

"Yes. Dead. Our time has finally come son, to take what is rightfully ours"

Pete doesn't say anything.

"We're going to strike before they realise it's coming" he grins excitedly.

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