9. Losing Friends

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Vegas had been overthinking what Pete did in the shower all night. He wasn't proud of it, but there were just so many unanswered questions floating around his head that sleep just wasn't an option.

He knew it wasn't like when he had woken up with an erection. He also doubted that Pete had intended to masturbate, since he was always quite adamant about not doing so. Which meant something aroused him, and it was the only option.

But what? Vegas needed to know.

He wanted to know what Pete thought about that got him so worked up, which then led him to think about what Pete could have imagined to get himself off. He was in the shower, so he couldn't have used porn, he must have thought about something as he touched himself.

Vegas had to push the thought of Pete touching his cock to the back of his mind, otherwise he was going to have a very similar problem, and he didn't really want that while they were currently lying in bed together.

But a little thought at the back of his mind was taunting him. What if it was you? What if he thought about you?

Vegas desperately wanted that to be the case, but he knew it was unlikely.

The truth was, Pete was probably so pent up that the smallest thing got him hard and he just needed a release. He probably thought about someone he fucked in the past.

Knowing that it would probably make Pete uncomfortable if he brought it up, the next day, Vegas acts like he didn't know what Pete did.

A few weeks ago he would have jumped at the opportunity to tease Pete. Seeing him get all squirmy and uncomfortable was good entertainment.

While the thought was still entertaining to Vegas, things were different now. Now he actually wanted it, it wasn't just flirty words anymore and he didn't want Pete to think that it was.

He wanted to flirt with Pete but not like this. Not when they couldn't really do anything.

Vegas didn't know how Pete felt about intimacy given their current body situation, but he knew how he felt.

Vegas had touched himself a few times while he was in Pete's body, every time looking at Pete in the mirror to fuel his arousal. He wanted to fuck Pete. He knew that for certain. He wanted to be able to watch Pete's pretty body fall apart in all its glory, with his own eyes, but to do that they had to switch back.

There was a thought that stuck in the back of his mind though. What if they never switch back? What if they were stuck like this forever? At what point does Pete's body become Vegas'? At what point do they accept that the other person isn't them anymore?

Honestly, it was a mind fuck, and not one Vegas wanted to dwell on. He was going to try everything they could to switch back before he made his desires known to Pete.

He had no intention of fucking himself, but he didn't know exactly where his line was. He didn't want to take the chance of initiating something and it becoming weird. If things went badly, it would result in Pete feeling uncomfortable around him and that was the last thing he wanted.

He couldn't lose Pete emotionally, he was the one good thing he had. Even if he had to pine over Pete in secret for the rest of his life, he would do it as long as he didn't lose him.


The days were beginning to pass pretty mundanely. After having been at the safehouse for around a week now, they had their routine. They would find various things to do to occupy them during the day. They would cook together, talk, sometimes exercise in the garden, before heading to bed. They shared the bed now, but were never close while doing so. The bed was just considered somewhere to sleep, there was an unspoken line drawn down the middle that neither of them dared to cross.

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