3. Secrets

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A/N: This chapter contains sexual content (consensual bodyswap masturbation) as well as descriptions of non-consensual touching (not between VP)

Vegas had been 'bodyguarding' for a few days now. He had quickly determined that the universe was finally punishing him for all the bad things he had done in his life, as it seemed Pete's job was Vegas' own personal hell.

His cousin was driving him up the wall and Vegas had no choice but to silently endure it.

He was trying his best to pretend to be his friend, but at any given moment he was one slip of self control away from knocking the bastard out so he would finally shut up.

As much as Vegas hated watching the dramas, Tankhun was somehow the least annoying during those times. If Vegas remained still enough, sometimes his cousin would forget he was there, and he wouldn't have to try and pretend like he was interested in what was happening on the screen.

Unfortunately this evening, instead of sitting tucked up in a blanket and watching a soppy romance story, Tankhun wanted to go to the bar. Which meant Vegas also had to go to the bar.

They had only been there for around half an hour, and Vegas had quickly determined that drunk Tankhun was even worse than sober Tankhun, and sober Tankhun was already intolerable.

He had dressed his bodyguards up in clothes from his own closet. So Pete now looked extravagantly colourful and Vegas wanted to tear the clothes from his body in disgust.

Annoyingly, as Vegas looked at himself in the mirror, Pete didn't look terrible. He didn't like the outfit, but it didn't look bad, in fact Pete looked quite attractive.

The crop top, while a horrible flamboyant print, hung from his frame in a way that drew attention to the curve of his waist, and the tight leather pants gripped his thighs nicely. Tankhun had also applied makeup to all of them. While he wasn't a fan of the glittery eyeshadow, he did note that it made Pete's eyes look bigger and somehow made his jaw look more defined.

If Pete were a stranger and Vegas saw him at a bar, he would think him fuckable.

Tankhun had pulled them all over to the dance floor. Vegas was not one for dancing, not that he would describe his cousin's weird limb flailing as dancing. However, he plastered a fake smile on his face and joined the group, bobbing up and down rhythmically so he didn't look completely stiff.

His cousin seemed to be having a good time, Arm and Pol were dancing along, smiles on their faces. As much as he didn't like this, it could be worse, he could be an actual bodyguard.

As he expected, looking after his eldest cousin was more like babysitting then bodyguarding. Which if Vegas thought about it, was better than having to do actual work with Kinn or even his uncle.

Vegas wouldn't describe his situation as relaxing, but as someone who had no intention of putting his life on the line for these people, being in charge of Tankhun was probably the best place for him. Since he isn't the heir, his life is not under as much threat as Kinn.

Vegas' mind went blank and his body stiffened when he felt someone push up against his back. He turned his head around and found some asshole glaring down at him with a predatory gaze. His hands went around Pete's waist, smirking as he pulled him close enough to feel his bulge against his ass.

"Oh.. Pete, look at you attracting hot guys" His cousin was quick to tease him.

Vegas wanted nothing more than to shove the guy away and knock him out, but starting a bar fight with this asshole would probably cause more problems than it would solve, especially with his cousin around who he was meant to be protecting.

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