14. New Experiences

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A/N: Smut (like actual smut) ahead, finally. Cannon-Typical VegasPete sex.

Life after the hospital was oddly domestic, or as domestic as one's life could get when part of one of the largest Mafia organisations in Asia.

Vegas was slowly healing, but he had insisted on being able to do something to keep his mind active while he was still restricted in mobility.

He was still involved with the minor family. He helped Porsche diligently with small things for now, like paperwork or briefing him on areas of the business he was unsure about. Even Kinn had to admit that the knowledge that Vegas had surrounding the inner workings of the minor family businesses, was far superior to what he could offer. Kinn however still kept a cautious eye on Vegas. Despite how different Vegas seemed now, his new, slightly less confrontational, attitude was not enough to suddenly erase years worth of resentment. Kinn trusted Porsche to handle Vegas and to let him know if he started doing anything suspicious, so for the most part he left them to it. It was going well so far.

Pete was also offered a job helping with minor family business matters. Although he had refused before Porsche had even finished his sentence. He knew from his time pretending to be Vegas, that all that work was enough to drive him insane. He much preferred being a bodyguard.

Pete had wanted to become Vegas' personal bodyguard, but Vegas actively refused. Pete was sulky about it until Vegas had explained that if Pete was about to get shot, it would be Vegas pushing him out of the way, thereby making him the most useless bodyguard to him. If anything it would just put Vegas in more danger.

Pete knew that even though he didn't like this, Vegas had a point. With Vegas' safety on the line, he knew he couldn't afford any risks, so reluctantly Pete agreed as long as he could still be involved. He was trained and experienced, he could handle himself, he wasn't about to let Vegas wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him at home just because it was safer.

So instead, Pete appointed himself as head of security. Not that Vegas really got a say in the matter since he had refused option one. The agreement was that Pete would oversee security in the minor family which included a wide range of responsibilities. He would manage and train the bodyguards, he would get to accompany Vegas on outings as part of his security detail and he would still get to help plan, and go on missions as long as he didn't try to use himself as a human shield.

Despite Pete's attempts at assuring him otherwise, Vegas knew Pete would absolutely still step in front of a gun for him, but Vegas was determined to make sure that Pete would never get the opportunity to do so. Pete's skillset was a valuable asset to the minor family, and Vegas didn't want to prevent Pete from doing the job he enjoyed. So, they were content with this compromise. Pete still got to do what he was good at and protect the man he loved from a slightly safer distance. And Vegas was safe in the knowledge that if he had a gun pointed at him, he wouldn't be fighting with Pete as to who would take the bullet.

Despite them still working closely with the minor family, neither of them lived in the minor family home. Porsche had offered to let them stay there since he still spent most of his nights with Kinn anyway, but Vegas wanted a fresh start away from the memories of that house.

So now they live in a reasonably sized apartment in the city. They had a nice space to breathe away from work and a breathtaking view of the city. Pete couldn't have asked for anything else. Macau had his own room, although he wasn't home most of the time since he started university. He had decided to live in a dorm for at least the first year, and Vegas was more than happy with this arrangement, in fact he eagerly encouraged it.

Vegas was released from the hospital a few weeks after he woke up. The doctor had finally cleared him for home care, instead of constant professional supervision. So while he was still heavily restricted on what he could and couldn't do, they were more relaxed in their own home away from the hospital.

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