8. Confusion

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A/N: Light smut warning for end of this chapter. 

Once Vegas had discovered his feelings, everything became a lot more difficult.

He was by no means ready to face the big heart-shaped elephant in the room. Unfortunately for him, the safe house wasn't that large and Pete was everywhere.

Turns out, it's almost impossible to avoid your feelings when the cause of them is actively following you around. Vegas wasn't sure why Pete was following him, but the fact was, all morning, wherever Vegas went, Pete would surely appear next to him a few minutes later.

Was Pete usually this clingy? Did he just not notice it the previous days? Or was he overthinking this whole thing?

Eventually, after the two of them had been alternating between the decking and the living room for the past few hours, Vegas finally snapped. Not knowing why Pete was following him was putting him on edge.

"Why are you following me Pete?" Vegas asked, his tone a little more agitated than he intended.

Pete's eyes widen, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. "Sorry...Do you want to be alone?" he asks hesitantly.

"No" Vegas sighs, calming his expression. "I just want to know why you keep following me from room to room. At this point I'm scared to go to the bathroom in case you appear while I'm trying to have a shit or something" Vegas chuckled lightheartedly.

Pete relaxed a bit when he realised Vegas wasn't angry at him.

"I wanted to ask you something" Pete tells him.

"You wanted to ask me something?"


"So instead of just asking me, you've followed me around all day?" Vegas teasingly questions him.

"I-" Pete went to defend himself but quickly realised that that was exactly what he had done. "...yes"

Vegas smiled. "So what is it?"

"What is what?" Pete asks.

Vegas groans in frustration as he rolls his eyes "What is it you wanted to ask me?"

"...can you teach me how to cook dinner tonight?" Pete asks hopefully.

"That's it?"

"Yes." Pete nods.

Vegas chuckles to himself. "You're so cute Pete" he mutters under his breath, completely unaware that Pete's bat-like hearing had caught every word.

Cute . He was cute? What is so cute about him asking for help cooking?

"Why did you follow me though, I told you before I would teach you. Were you nervous or something?"

"It's not that. It's just... when you leave the room, I get bored. There isn't much to do here so I miss your company when you leave me alone. Even if we're not talking, just having you in the room makes me feel a bit more relaxed" Pete explains quickly.

"Oh" Vegas mutters, a flash of emotion appearing on his face, but before Pete could try to process it, Vegas quickly changes the subject "What do you want to learn to make?" Vegas asks as he leads them to the kitchen.

"Your favourite dish" Pete smiles.

"M-my favourite dish?" Vegas stuttered "Why?"

"Because if we make my favourite dish, you aren't going to let me eat it" Pete glares jokingly at him.

Vegas laughs but doesn't deny it. "Okay, I'll show you, but go change first"

"What wrong with this?" Pete asked. He was wearing a white t-shirt and joggers, this was the most casual outfit Vegas had.

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