5. Surprises

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"I can't believe you attacked Pol" Vegas chuckles, not being able to resist teasing Porsche for his outburst at Tankhun's horror movie night last night.

"Well some asshole told me Tawan was dead, I thought I was seeing ghosts everywhere" Porsche glares at him.

"You're serving the biggest Mafia family in Thailand and you thought that seeing ghosts was more logical than someone faking their death?" Vegas shook his head disapprovingly.

"Pete" Kinn calls him from the end of the hallway, interrupting their conversation.

Vegas suppresses the annoyance that naturally comes over him upon hearing his cousin's voice. Plastering on his best smile, he turns around to meet him.

"Yes Khun Kinn" Vegas reluctantly bows his head.

"Khun is looking for you. Porsche I need to borrow you for... something" he trails off.

Vegas dismisses himself, not that Kinn would notice him wandering off anyway. Did Kinn genuinely think he was being discreet? Idiot

Vegas went about his day as usual, Khun had rounded up his bodyguards and started yet another drama marathon. This one wasn't one of a his usual romance stories, this one actually had some semblance of a plot outside of the usual clichés. Vegas found himself actually following along with it this time instead of just phasing his mind out like he usually did.

Khun was being reasonably quiet, his questions not as frequent as usual.

Maybe this wasn't so bad.

If Khun could just stay like this forever then it would make this whole situation a lot easier.

Of course that was not the case, and Vegas' brief period of calm was soon decimated when a lot of shit hit a metaphorical fan.


The next morning was a whirlwind. The news of the day was that Tawan had returned.

Fucking brilliant.

Vegas hardly had time to take a bite into his breakfast before he was bombarded with the speculations from Arm and Pol.

They, much like everyone else, were talking about how Tawan had appeared at the house and was now staying in the guest bedroom. Vegas just tuned them out, it's not like they knew anything he didn't. His mind was preoccupied anyway, he had to come up with a plan to get rid of him before things progressed any further. Fuck.

Pete still had no idea Tawan had appeared, as far as he knew, Vegas had ended it and Tawan was no longer a problem. He was not looking forward to trying to explain these new developments to Pete. He should have just killed Tawan when he was done with him, then none of this would have happened. Fuck.

"Pete" his cousin's annoying voice brings him back to reality meanwhile startling Arm and Pol.

Pete's friends quickly excuse themselves, leaving Vegas on his own. Vegas sighs internally before putting on his best Pete smile, standing up to meet him.

"How can I help Khun Kinn?"

"I have a job for you."


"I think Vegas knows Tawan is here. Keep your eyes on him, see if he does anything"

Vegas opened his mouth to protest, not exactly wanting to go on a secret mission for Kinn, but he realised that being asked to tail himself was actually ideal.

He had finally been given a reason to be around Pete, which would make sorting out Pete's current workload, as well as making sure he didn't do anything wrong, a lot easier.

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