6. Problems

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Fucking Tawan and his stupid fucking ideas.

He was following their original plan of framing Porsche as the mole, but what Vegas couldn't understand was why?

Annoyingly, there wasn't much he could do to help Porsche without implicating himself. The easiest way to prove Porsche's innocence was to admit his own involvement. But he couldn't do that, it would put Pete in danger and he didn't really want to find out what happened if one of them died while they were switched.

He supposed he could alter some documents to make it all seem like it came from Ken, but that would take time, and based on how impulsive Tawan was being, he didn't know how much time he had.

If he blames Ken, he would lose his inside man in the main family. Planting a new one would be a pain. Although, if he let Porsche take the fall, Pete would be furious, and who knows what he would do in retaliation.


He was stressed, and he knew Pete was probably waiting for some kind of explanation since he abandoned him in the park. Originally he wanted to hide the truth from Pete. For some reason he didn't want him to know that it was in fact him leaking main family information to the Yakuza, but Vegas didn't have time to carefully orchestrate a web of lies for him, so he figured he would just have to gloss over some things and hope that Pete didn't ask too many questions.

Vegas stared at the phone in his hand for a few seconds, his finger hovering over Pete's contact for a moment, before finally taking a deep breath, hitting the button and holding the phone to his ear.

"What the fuck is going on Vegas?" Pete answers the phone at record speed.

"Hello to you too" he mutters.

"What's happening? You can't tell me Porsche got locked up, then disappear"

"Tawan is happening" Vegas groans.

"I thought you dealt with him"

"Apparently not" Vegas groans.

"So what has he done now? Why has Porsche been locked up?"

"He's following through with our original plan of making Kinn think Porsche has been betraying him by selling the main family's information, same as Tawan did before"

"But Porsche would never"

"I know. There's another mole that's leaking the information. We were just going to make it look like it was Porsche so Kinn got his heart broken again and everyone would question his abilities to prioritise the business"

"What the fuck? That's horrible" he could hear the disdain in Pete's voice and he didn't know why that made him feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know if you realised this Pete. But I am not exactly a nice guy" Vegas growls, getting irritated.

"So how are you going to help Porsche?"

"I'll sacrifice the actual mole" he sighs.

"Who's that?"

"...Ken" He was hardly going to admit to Pete that it was him. Ken would have to be sufficient.

"Oh" Pete mutters.

"I need you to send me some things from my computer, don't look at the files just send them to the email address I text you, I'll send you the file paths just copy them. Do not look, got it?" Vegas orders sternly.

"Yes. Fine. I won't look, but what are they?"

"Evidence" he responds vaguely.

"If I send them to you, how is Khun Kinn going to think you got them?"

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