16. Home

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A/N: Smut warning

"Pete there's a list on the table, can you run down to the market please?" Pete's grandmother calls from the kitchen.

"Sure, I'll take Vegas with me and show him the town" Pete smiles.

"No. He can stay here, I need someone to help me preparing dinner"

"Okay" Pete shrugged. He saw the nervous look on Vegas' face and gave him a reassuring smile.

Once Pete left the house, Vegas gulped, walking into the kitchen to see Pete's grandmother sitting at the table, a pile of vegetables to her left, a chopping board in front of her, and a meat cleaver in her hand.

Vegas' eyes scanned over the selection of knives on the counter behind her and quickly determined that there was no reason for her to be using such a knife to cut vegetables unless it was specifically to intimidate him.

He was not someone who was intimidated easily, but she was succeeding.

"Have a seat" she smiles.

She hands him a chopping board and some carrots, along with his own, considerably smaller, knife.

Vegas tried to swallow his nerves.

"So...how did you and Pete get together?" she asked casually, not looking up at him as she continued to slice the spring onion in front of her.

"I- um, my cousin, he assigned a couple of his guards to the minor family a few months ago to help with a mission. We got close while working together." He said. That wasn't technically a lie.

"Really?" she didn't sound convinced.

"You should know, Tankhun calls me sometimes. I haven't spoken to him in a while but I do recall a conversation we had a couple years ago about his awful cousin Vegas and how he was certain he was trying to steal Kinn's boyfriend....So I'm warning you now, if Pete is some kind of game to you-"

"No. No- he's not, I promise." Vegas cut in desperately, it took the older lady a little off guard.

"Khun and I have never seen eye to eye, I won't try to deny anything he's told you, because it's true I was not a good person before. But Pete- Pete, he's different"

"He's important to me, he's-" Vegas is cut off from his frantic rant by a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I know dear, Pete and I had a long talk last night, I just wanted to hear it from you" she smiles softly.

"Oh" he mumbled shyly.

"I'm glad Pete's found someone who makes him happy. You should have seen the way his eyes lit up when he talked about you last night" she smiles, ruffling Vegas' hair.

Vegas was a little shocked by the action but couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face.

"Anyway, help me prepare dinner, Pete said you're a great cook" she smiles.

"Okay" Vegas smiles genuinely.

As Vegas properly looked around the kitchen, he finally noticed what they're making. Pete's favourite. Although he knew Pete would love it, Vegas' eyes widen a little when he realises he's in for a spicy evening.

Or at least he thought he was...

"Where are the chilies?" Vegas asked in confusion, looking over the table and the counter to see if he'd missed them.

"Pete said you couldn't eat spicy food."

"It's not that I can't....I just don't like it very much. You don't have to cater to me though, I can eat it, it's fine" he smiles assuringly.

VegasPete : Trading FacesWhere stories live. Discover now