15. Introductions

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Since the first time they had sex, Pete had become almost insatiable. It was impossible to tell from Pete's demeanour how nervous he'd been for their first time, because now he seems to have developed a sexual confidence that rivaled even Vegas'.

Vegas wasn't complaining about this though, it just sometimes caught him off guard how blunt Pete was with what he wanted. Like this morning for instance, when they both sat down for a nice breakfast.

They were sitting opposite each other, both eating their food peacefully. Pete was reading the news on his tablet and Vegas was reviewing some documents Porsche had sent over as he shoveled cereal into his mouth.

"Vegas?" Pete eventually broke the silence.

"Yes?" Vegas mumbled, looking up from his document to turn his attention to Pete.

"Can I suck you off?"

Vegas almost chokes on his cereal.

"Fucking hell Pete!" Vegas coughs out.


"You can't just ask me things like that over breakfast!" Vegas tried to compose himself, trying to not think about his cock that was starting to come alive in his pants at Pete's sudden request.

"Is that a no?" Pete asks, seeming disappointed.

"No.That's very much a yes" he clarifies.

Pete smiles, before sliding under the table.

"Fuck. You meant now!?"

Vegas leans back in his chair, looking at Pete who now had his hands on his thighs and were slowly making their way up to the waistband of his pants.

"Yes. Now" Pete says as he undoes the buckle. He looks up at Vegas innocently, "I'm hungry."

And fuck, Vegas nearly came right there.

He'd been imagining Pete's mouth for quite some time now, and it came apparent, very quickly, that Vegas' imagination did not do it justice.

The feeling of Pete's warmth wrapped around him was incredible.

He was taking him so perfectly. Vegas could tell that Pete had probably not done this before, or if he had, not very many times. That was fine, Vegas would take great pleasure in training him.

Despite his inexperience, Pete was adapting quickly. He wasn't like those that Vegas had been with in the past that obnoxiously try to take more than they were capable of in an effort to please him.

No. Pete it seemed was doing whatever he wanted, almost ignoring Vegas' presence completely and somehow that just made Vegas harder.

Pete started off slow, taking some of him into his mouth, licking and sucking experimentally. Once he was happy, he would go a bit further.

It was amazing to watch, Pete playing with his cock so beautifully, there was almost something innocent about it, and then Pete would run his tongue along his tip, Vegas would moan uncontrollably and his mind would snap right back to how sinful Pete's actions actually were.

Pete was gradually working his way to take Vegas deeper into his mouth and Vegas was getting close from watching the way Pete took him. He knew it wouldn't be long before Pete would be able to take him into his throat and the thought had Vegas thrusting his hips slightly in excitement.

Pete glared up at him in warning, lips still stretched wide around him. Vegas steadied himself and let Pete resume his own rhythm.

Vegas didn't want to force him... this time. One day he would fuck that pretty mouth the way it deserved. However, just in case this was Pete's first blowjob then Vegas wanted to ease him in gently, he would build up to throat fucking, but for now he would let Pete continue to suck the life out of him at his own pace, which he seemed more than adept at.

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