10. Negotiations

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The day after the funeral, they were both a little dejected. The day began as usual, they cooked together, but neither of them really spoke aside from basic communications, like "how do you want your eggs?" Or "can you pass me a spoon?"

They sat down to eat. Vegas was pushing the food he had made around the plate but wasn't really saying anything.

"Do you want to talk about it some more?" Pete asks.

Vegas looked up from his plate.

"Talk about what?" He murmurs.

"Whatever it is that's on your mind" Pete says gently.

"I-" Vegas was cut off by the sound of Pete's phone ringing.

Vegas picks it up off the counter and looks at the name on the screen "for fuck sake" he mutters.

"You answer it, I don't want to deal with his questions right now" Vegas holds out the phone to Pete.

Pete give him a reassuring smile before taking it.

"Hi Vegas" Porsche chirps.

"It's Pete" he responds.

"Oh. Hi Pete"

"Hey Porsche" Pete put on his best cheerful voice. "What's going on?" He asks, knowing that Porsche wouldn't contact them without reason since they had only spoken yesterday.

"The main family aren't out for Vegas' head anymore, Vegas' dad will probably let you leave the safe house soon."

"Oh" Pete tried to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"Also..." Porsche said, a little more hesitantly "I'm sorry, but Kinn knows about you guys"

"He what?!" Pete shouts in alarm.

Vegas looks up suddenly with a questioning look on his face, a lot more alert than he has been all morning, clearly wanting to know what caused such a reaction from Pete.

"I promise he's not going to ask you to do anything, but he overheard us on the phone yesterday so I couldn't really keep lying to him without causing more problems. He heard me talk to both of you so I could only really explain what was going on or he would think you were betraying the main family" Porsche rambles out nervously.

Pete tried to process what Porsche was saying, but his friend's nervous ramble was just puting Pete even more on edge about the situation.

"Thanks for letting me know" Pete says curtly.

"I'll talk to you later Porsche" he says before hanging up the phone.


Although he knew this day would come, Kinn finding out about their situation was just the icing on the shitty cake that had been the last 24 hours.

He looked up at Vegas who was studying him carefully, clearly waiting for an explanation. Pete attempted to compose himself, trying to mask the whirlpool of thoughts in his mind.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Pete asks.

"What?" Vegas demands.

"Good news is that Kinn is no longer hunting you down."

"And the bad news...?"

"Porsche told him about us"

"Fuck" Vegas shouts, knocking his plate off the counter, causing it to smash on the floor.

Pete looked sadly at the eggs and shards of broken plate on the ground. Pete could tell Vegas was lost in his own thoughts, so he left him alone and stared quietly cleaning the mess.

VegasPete : Trading FacesWhere stories live. Discover now