Angry bird

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20 Jan 2023

Seonghwa loves cleaning. Ever since debut he made sure the dorm is clean. Like right now. 8 of them were cleaning the dorm. With Seonghwas orders.

"God i'm so tired" San complained. He had been wiping the floor for the past hour with Wooyoung.

"Why do we have to clean" Wooyoung groaned.

"Because this dorm has to be clean. Now continue" Seonghwa said. Poking his head from the living room. They finished after an hour.

"Good job" Seonghwa said. Patting Wooyoungs back who seemed annoyed.

"Can we play games now" he asked. Almost pleading.

"Yeah go play" Seonghwa said. San, Yunho, Wooyoung and Mingi ran to the living room like their life depended on it.

"They don't like this" Hongjoong said with a chuckle.

"I know you don't like it either" Seonghwa said. Rolling his eyes. They sat at the kitchen. Talking about random stuff.


After a long day of work they were finally free. So after coming to the dorm they all showered. Seonghwa was on his phone. Scrolling in instagram when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" he called. Jongho peeked inside.

"Hyung, can we order" he asked.

"Ofcourse, you don't have to ask" Seonghwa replied. Jongho thanked and closed the door. Running back to the living room.

"Let's order" he he said. Sitting on the floor next to Yunho who was competing against Mingi.

"I want Tteokbokki" Wooyoung said quickly.

"Everyone want Tteokbokki" Jongho asked as he opened the app. They agreed. After waiting for hald an hour the door bell rang.

"It's here" San said excitedly. Getting up and running to the door. He got the food and sat at the lounge room. Opening the package so that everyone can eat.

After eating they put the package on the floor and continued the game.

"Oh shit" Yeosang suddenly said. Throwing the trash in the bin and cleaning the table in the middle quickly.

"Seonghwa would kill us if he sees this" he said. Then sat down again.

"True" Mingi agreed.


"HONGJOONG" a yell came from the Seonghwa and Hongjoongs room. It was clear Seonghwa was angry. Hongjoong slowly and causiously walked to his room. There stood a angry Seonghwa. Pointing at the clothes on the floor.

"What's this" he asked. Sighing tiredly.

"Clothes" Hongjoong said. More like a question. Seonghwa sighed again.

"No Hongjoong. Why are these on the floor" he asked. Rubbing his forehead. Hongjoong stayed silent and started to collect the shirts that were throw on the floor.

"Stay tidy" Seonghwa said. Getting out the room. Hongjoong didn't like his tone and his task now that he found the pile. But tidied his part of the room.


Ateez were chilling in the dorm. Some sleeping some on their phones. Seonghwa was currently cooking lunch. Yeosang wanted fried chicken so he was frying chicken for him. Wooyoung walked in and drank water and left. Leaving the cup on the stand. Seonghwa didn't see that. Then Yunho came and drank water. Leaving the cup too. When Seonghwa was done, he put the chicken in a plate and was putting it on the table when his eyes caught sight of the left over cups. He sighed frustradedly and collected the used cups and threw them in the bin.

"Chicken is ready" he called. Yeosang was the first to sit.

"Thank you hyung" he said. Happily taking a piece of fried chicken and devouring the taste. Soon they all sat amd ate.

"This is so good Seonghwa" Hongjoong complimented. After lunch they went back to what they were doing. It was 8 pm now. After dinner they decided to watch a movie. After the movie everyone went to bed.


In the morning they had early practice. So they were quick to leave. After work they were back in the dorm. Like usual they showered and ate. Seonghwa was about to go to his room when he saw the multiple cups on the stand. He took a deep breath to calm down.

"Guys come here" he called as normal as he could. The 7 people who probably caused the scene stand infront of him.

"How many times do i have to say to throw away these after using" he spoke. Voice rising in the end.

"Sorry hyung" Wooyoung said. He was going to but he forgot.

"Not sorry hyung me. I told you many time but you still don't do what i said" Seonghwa said angrily. They all looked down. San going to collect the cups.

"I will do it. Since you all forgot" Seonghwa said angrily. Throwing them away. Hongjoong signaled the kids to go their room. After making sure the plate is clean Seonghwa went to his shared room. Laying down. Hongjoong closed the lights and layed next to Seonghwa.

"Hwa" he said softly.

"What" Seonghwa said nonchalantly.

"They will learn to clean it up" he said.

"When Hongjoong when" Seonghwa said tiredly. He wasn't angry anymore.

"They will eventually. Now let's sleep" Hongjoong said. Hugging Seonghwa.

"I hope so" Seonghwa said. Hugging back.

"Night" He whispered.

"Night" Hongjoong said quietly.

Hope you like it🫐🫐

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