I'm here

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Ateez had been practising for their stage for the past week. It wasn't stressfull. They already mastered the dance and had fun while still being serious. After 4 hours they took a break. They were all exhausted. Yeosang sat down and drank water. Soon continuing after another4 hours They were free. So they all went back to the dorm to have a shower and rest.

"Let's have Chicken" Yeosang said excitedly at the Van.

"But we had Chicken yesterday" Wooyoung whined. Seonghwa laughed.

"Chicken then" he said smiling. Wooyoung whined about wanting pizza. Yeosang patted his shoulder.

"Then let's get pizza tomorrow" he smiled at Wooyoung. Wooyoung smiled back and nodded repeatedly. At the dorm they all showered then ate Chicken. With that another good day had came to and end. The next morning was the same. Same routine and going to the company. They had dance practice again and it went smooth. Some fixes here and there. 6 hours later they were ready to head back. They all walked the hall to the enterance.

"Wait, i need to go to bathroom" Yeosang said.

"Ok, we're waiting" Seonghwa said. He got in one of the many bathrooms and found a empty stall. Quickly finishing he got out. As he was washing his hands a staff member got in and washed his hands too. Yeosang wiped his hands on paper towel and as he was about to get going, the staff held his wrist.

"Let me go" he said. Trying to get the mans hand off his wrist. The staff didn't let go nor said anything. He suddenly pushed him to the wall and started kissing his face and neck. Yeosang squirmed and tried to free from him.

"What are you doing! Stop!" He yelled at him. He didn't stop. As he went to pull his shirt off Yeosang kicked his shin and ran out of there. He ran to his group and hugged the first person he saw. That happened to be San. He hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong?" San asked quickly. It was hard not to sense his panic.

"Let's just go" Yeosang said. Still hugging him.

"Tell ne what's wrong Sangie" San said softly as he hugged him back. The others looked worried.

"A staff started kissing me out of nowhere" he said as tears started to fall.

"WHAT!" Seonghwa shouted as he came close to Yeosang. Yeosang didn't want yo repeat and just go home but if he didn't tell now they would be worried more.

"He held my wrist and pushed me to the wall and started kissing my face neck. I kicked his shin and ran out" Yeosang said quietly. Hongjoong was raging.

"It's ok Yeosang. You're safe with us" he said softly as he rubbed his back. Yeosang nodded into Sans chest.

"Let's go. I'll have a talk with aboji" Hongjoong said firmly. At the dorm they cuddled Yeosang like they never did.

"I'm here" said San whispered to Yeosang when everyone fell asleep and he and Yeosang were only ones awake.

"Thank you" Yeosang said back. He was grateful for his members more than they thought.

Hope you like it(◕‿◕)

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