late night snack gone wrong

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Seonghwa pov.

As i observed the drinks in the fridge Mt phone tinged. It was Wooyoung asking for chocolate chip cookie and chocolate milk. San also asking for any kind of snack that could stop the cravings. With that i get to the snack section. Getting 3 boxes of cookie and random snacks. After this was done, i returned to the fridge and got 2 boxes of chocolate milk and protein shake for San. It was getting kind of dark so I hurried to the cash register. Giving the needed money and left the convenient store. Walking quickly after letting Hongjoong know I'm coming.

The streets were empty, the weather chilly making me wary of any sound. After a few minutes of walking and looking back occasionally, a hand closed my mouth and pulled me to a dark alleyway.

3rd pov.

Seonghwa yelped when his back hit the brick wall. The bag full of snacks falling to the floor. Before he could look at who pulled him, a punch landed on his jaw, and nose, and eye. Seonghwa fell to the dirty floor and tried to protect himself from the hits but not being able to as a foot made contact with his leg.

By now he was a crying mess. Shielding his head from the kicks as two strangers he never saw beat him. After what felt like forever, the two men left. Leaving Seonghwa laying on the ground bruised and bloody. Taking deep breathes to slow his racing heart, Seonghwa slowly got on his feet. His body aching from the violation it recieved.

"Shit people still exist," Seonghwa muttered. Patting his sweatpants and walking rest of the way to the dorm.

Wooyoung pov.

"Stop it," I said between cackles. Hitting San's arm in the process. We were just watching some documentary when San made a joke about some man doing business in the backstreets.

"What if- what if they beat people for money, that would be ridiculous," I said. The laughter dimmed down slightly. I couldn't help but giggle at my own words.

"Then they are assholes," Hongjoong said. Frowning slightly. Pausing the tv to get water.

"Wait, why is Seonghwa taking so long," I asked. Looking at the door. It's been nearly 2 hours and he is usually quick. Just as my worries grew, the door opened.

"Oh shit," Hongjoong said. Putting the water down and helping Seonghwa inside. His shirt had blood on it and his face was bruised. Just as i got up to help him, he stumbled forward. Luckily, Hongjoong held him. I didn't notice I was frozen until and arm wrap around my waist. Looking at my side, Yunho was holding me. Rubbing my side to calm down himself and me.

"Two people, i didn't see their face, pulled me to an alley and this happened," Seonghwa whispered. Clinging to Hongjoong for dear life. The tears not stopping.

"Don't tell to police," Seonghwa said. Now sobbing on Hongjoong's shoulder. Hongjoong glared at me and Yunho. Tilting his head to call the manager. Yunho nodded. Leaving the room to call the manager.

"But hwa... we need to report this. You got assaulted and it's not ok," Hongjoong muttered. Rubbing the olders back. Seonghwa shook his head. Mumbling no again and again. Making Hongjoong sligh.

He pulled back and gave Seonghwa to me. I hugged Seonghwa close as Hongjoong got the first aid kit. Rubbing his arm and whispering sweet nothings.


3rd pov.

"You're all good now. Let's get you to bed," Hongjoong said. Holding Seonghwa as the two left the living room.

Hongjoong tuck in Seonghwa. Caressing his hair as the older relaxed under the warm covers. After a few minutes he was fast asleep so Hongjoong left the room. Ready to do his job.

"Hyung, manager said he will be here in a minute," Yunho said. Tapping his foot anxiously. Hongjoong pat his shoulder.

"Good job. You go sleep, I will deal with this," Hongjoong said softly. Hugging Yunho one last time before he left to sleep in his room.

"I will never let you get hurt, never again," Hongjoong whispered. Now letting the tears fall after holding in for the younger members. Promising to protect his family as long as he can.

I'm not good with these descriptions and stuff but I hope you like it.🫐

Have a good day.🍎


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